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Assessment Pack
Associate Diploma in Business
Capstone 3
2  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Assessment Guidance for Capstones
The tasks and guidance material contained in this Capstone need to be read carefully by all assessors.
The complete Capstone Assessment pack will be made available to Centers two weeks before the
Capstone session, SSS will also produce guidance onresources that may be needed at least 6 weeks
before the session.
Further generic guidance material on Capstone Administration is available on the SSS website.
Each trainee will receive one overall grade for the Capstone. In order to achieve this overall grade,
assessors need to award grades for each task in the Capstone as described in this document. The
criteria for awarding each grade for each task are clearly stated.
Once the assessor has entered the grades for each task on Learning Assistant, the program will
automatically convert to a final overall grade and, subject to verification and standardization, this will
be recorded on SSS AwardingBody Management system.
Grading Rules and Assessor Judgements
In order to achieve a pass grade (A-D) a trainee mustpass each of the graded tasks. Some Capstones
include one or more tasks where the assessor only needs to indicate pass or fail. This does mean that
there is no compensation model. However, it is anticipated that some trainees may fall short of the
required standard in minor ways, and SSS expects that assessors will exercise professional judgement
in not failing a trainee for a specific task if the failure is of a minor nature; flexibility needs to be given
in allowing a trainee to correct a minor error or incomplete response.
Tasks cannot be repeated to enable a trainee to achieve a higher grade if the trainee has already
achieved a grade D or above.
It is also important that trainees are not disadvantaged in areas that are not being assessed, eg if they
have poor literacy skills and these are not being specifically tested.
Introducing the Capstone to Trainees
The assessor should introduce the assessment, making sure that the trainees understand the tasks.
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  3
It will be beneficial to take the trainees through what is required in each assessment and the way in
which each part will be graded. Trainees should have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with
the way the tasks are graded, and they will be able to see the grade criteria for each task through their
access to Learning Assistant.
Trainees may refer to their assessors for guidanceon parts of the assessment work, though they
should be aware that the amount of guidance and support they are given may be reflected in the
grade they are given.
Timings and Duration
The Capstone should be completed within the prescribed 6-10 hour period, it is the Center’s
responsibility to administer the assessment within this timescale. Some Capstones include
preparatory tasks that should be undertaken before the prescribed period.
The assessment can be divided into discrete sectionsto suit administrative and trainee needs. Where
the assessment is taken over more than one day, assessors must ensure that they collect all trainee
evidence at the end of each day and that the trainees are not able to upload any further evidence
outside the live session.
Timings given are recommended times only and most trainees should be able to complete the tasks
within given timings. A small amount of additionaltime taken should not be penalized, but trainees
should not consistently spend more than the timerecommended for each task (grade criteria may
make reference to timings).
Health & Safety
For some Capstones, health and safety issues formpart of the assessment, so assessors must brief
trainees accordingly and remind them of this fact. Again, SSS expects that a minor breach of a health
and safety regulation should not result in an automatic fail, and that assessors must exercise
professional judgement to determine if a trainee can be allowed to continue with the task with an
appropriate reminder.
4  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Assessment  Associate Diploma in
Assessment specification
The table below indicates the evidence required for this unit.
Task  Unit/Learning
Outcome/Assessment criteria
Evidence required
A (i)  011 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4); 2 (2.1, 2.2,
2.4, 2.5); 3 (3.1, 3.2, .3.3, 3.4); 4
(4.1, 4.2)
021 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3); 2 (2.1, 2.2, 2.3);
3 (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6); 4 (4.1); 5 (5.1
5.2 5.3 5.4)
111 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4); 2 (2.1, 2.3)
Original and revised plans
A (ii)  011 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4); 2 (2.1, 2.2,
2.4, 2.5); 3 (3.1, 3.2, .3.3, 3.4); 4
(4.1, 4.2)
021 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3); 2 (2.1, 2.2, 2.3);
3 (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6); 4 (4.1); 5 (5.1
5.2 5.3 5.4)
071 (1.1, 1.2); 2 (2.1, 2.2, 2.3); 3
(3.1, 3.2, 3.4); 4 (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)
101 (1.1, 1.2); 2 (2.1, 2.2, 2.3); 3
Knowledge management system
B  011 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4); 2 (2.1, 2.2,
2.4, 2.5); 3 (3.1, 3.2, .3.3, 3.4); 4
(4.1, 4.2)
021 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3); 2 (2.1, 2.2, 2.3);
3 (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6); 4 (4.1); 5 (5.1
5.2 5.3 5.4)
031 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4); 2 (2.1, 2.2,
2.3, 2.4, 2.5); 3 (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)
061 (1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6); 3 (3.1)
071 (1.1, 1.2); 3 (3.1, 3.2, 3.4); 4
(4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)
081 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3); 2 (2.2, 2.5); 3
(3.1, 3.2)
09 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.4); 2 (2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
2.4); 3 (3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
113 (3.1, 3.2)
Observation checklist
Risk assessment
Mail Book
Intellectual Property Policy
Letter headed paper
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  5
121 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5); 2 (2.1, 2.2,
2.5); 3 (3.1)
131 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4); 2 (2.1, 2.2);
3 (3.2, 3.3)
141 (1.3, 1.4, 1.5); 2 (2.2, 2.3, 2.4)
151 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3); 2 (2.1)
161 (1.1, 1.2); 3 (3.1)
17 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3); 2 (2.1, 2.2); 3
(3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)
193 (3.3)
201 (1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.7); 2 (2.1, 2.2,
2.3); 3 (3.1, 3.4, 3.7); 4 (4.3, 4.5)
211 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3); 2 (2.1); 3 (3.1,
6  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Assessment  Associate Diploma in
Unit coverage
The table below indicates what units are covered in the assessment
Unit  Included in assessment  Rationale
01 Yes ☒No ☐
02 Yes ☒    No ☐
03 Yes ☒    No ☐
04 Yes ☒    No ☐
05 Yes ☒    No ☐
06 Yes ☒    No ☐
07 Yes ☒    No ☐
08 Yes ☒    No ☐
09 Yes ☒    No ☐
10 Yes ☒    No ☐
11 Yes ☒    No ☐
12 Yes ☒    No ☐
13 Yes ☒    No ☐
14 Yes ☒    No ☐
15 Yes ☒    No ☐
16 Yes ☒    No ☐
17 Yes ☒    No ☐
18 Yes ☐    No ☒  This unit has knowledge content only with no
performance criteria to be assessed.
19 Yes ☒    No ☐
20 Yes ☒    No ☐
21 Yes ☒    No ☐
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  7
Assessment  Associate Diploma in
Resources required for capstone assessment
Task A (i)
Trainees require:
  Electronic planning tool
  Storage folder to save updated plans
  A catalogue promoting kitchen equipment
  Four addressed envelopes as indicated in the Assessor Guidance
Task A (ii)
Trainees require:
  A knowledge management system
Task B
  Electronic calendar
  All Appendices
  Email software
  Email account for trainee
  Email accounts from which to send emails
  Incoming mail items
  Telephone system to make and receive simulated telephone calls
  Word-processing software
  Spreadsheet software
  Presentation software
  Database software
  Individuals to take part in role plays
  Access to Internet
  Printer
  Room to simulate a business center
8  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Assessment  Associate Diploma in
Assessor guidance
General guidance
This assignment must be completed within 10 hours. It is recommended that it is completed over two
days. There is no recommended time for each task as the trainee is required to use time management
skills and techniques to plan and carry out the completion of all tasks. The trainee is recommended to
spend no more than 30 minutes on the initial planning, to ensure they have sufficient time to
complete all tasks. This is not a requirement, only guidance.
This task places the trainee in the role of Assistant Manager of a hotel. The General Manager is out of
the office and the trainee has just arrived into work following a few days absence, the post is on their
desk and they have emails in their inbox (Appendix 4).
For this assignment, the trainee is provided with a series of emails that replicate the contents of an
‘inbox’ as well as mail items that have arrived. In addition to dealing with these items, the assessor is
required to present additional tasks to the trainee throughout the assessment.
The assignment requires the assessor to take a key role in organizing the assessment process.
Further details are provided under the Task B heading.
Assessors are advised to read the trainee guidance before reading the detail below.
Tasks can be completed in a normal classroom environment, providing it includes access to ICT
hardware and software and the Internet.
A dedicated environment will be required for trainees to make telephone calls required in Task B. This
will need to be a space for each individual trainee to have access to a telephone system. A separate
space is required for the person receiving the call.
A dedicated environment is also required to simulate a hotel business center.
Trainees will need to be providedwith the following Appendices:
Appendix 1 Premier Hotel Information
Appendix 2 Premier Hotel House Style Policy
Appendix 3 General Manager Calendar Requirements
Appendix 4 Email Inbox
Appendix 5 Mail Book – Incoming Mail
Appendix 6 Paris Hotel Information
Appendix 7 Linen Requirements Checklist
Appendix 8 Riyadh Staffing Information
Appendix 9 Business Continuity Strategy
Appendix 10 Health, Safety and Security Risk Assessment Form
Appendix 11 Requisition Form
Appendix 12 Premier Hotel Financial Information
Appendix 13 PL Food Imports Ltd Information
Appendix 14 Marketing Plan
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  9
Task A (i)
Trainees will require access to Appendices 1-14 at the start of the activity.
Each trainee will need to be given four items of incoming post, each in an addressed envelope, as
  A catalogue promoting kitchen equipment. It is addressed to the General Manager
  A speculative letter about a possible job. There is no name on the envelope
  An invoice requesting payment for servicing vehicles. It is addressed to Head of
  A completed reservation form from an individual. There is no name on the envelope.
Trainees will require an electronic planning tool for this task. This will need to be updated and
monitored throughout the assessment and so there should be a folder available in the system where
each version can be saved electronically.
Task A (ii)
The assessor will need to have established a knowledge management system. This could be the
system established through teaching. There must besome controls attached to the system so that
updates can be tracked. The task refers to the organization’s knowledge management system, but
the existing system would be used as a simulation.
Task B
Trainees should have been provided with Appendices 1-14 at the start of the assessment.
The emails in Appendix 4 are in no particular order. This is to enable the trainee to plan and prioritize
tasks. The order should not be changed by the assessor.
The trainee should be provided with a number of additional tasks through the assessment. This will
require preparation, as follows:
  The trainee will need to be provided with anemail account so that they can receive and
respond to emails. There should also bean email account set up to simulate:
  The General Manager
  Omar in Marketing
  Moiz in Housekeeping
  Print Supplies
  A room is required to be set up for a risk assessment
  A room is required to be set up for telephone calls to be made and a separate room for
telephone calls to be received
  Timetable 15 minute slots for each trainee to make telephone calls.
  Timetable 20 minute slots for each trainee to complete the risk assessment. It is
recommended that there is 10 minutes between each allocated slot to allow time to change
the room set up.
This is the schedule and timeline for the additional tasks. Specific details are given in the Assessors
10  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Time  Task  Comments
30 minutes after the
start of the
Telephone call
Assessors Appendix A
Give the trainee a reminder 15 minutes in
advance of their allocated slot for the telephone
To start one hour
after the start of the
Risk assessment
Assessors Appendix B
An email should be sent to the trainee 10
minutes before their allocated slot to allow
them to save the task they are working on. The
content of the email is provided in Appendix B
One hour after start
of assessment
Assessors Appendix C
Email 1 – Cash Flow Forecast
The content of the email is provided in
Appendix C below. This should be sent as a
group email to all trainees.
Four hours after the
start of the
Assessors Appendix C
Email 2 – Marketing Plan
The content of the email is provided in
Appendix C below. This should be sent as a
group email to all trainees.
Seven hours after the
start of the
Assessors Appendix C
Email 3 – Port de Vanves
The content of the email is provided in
Appendix C below. This should be sent as a
group email to all trainees.
Eight hours after the
start of the
Assessors Appendix C
Email 4 – Paper – Urgent!
The content of the email is provided in
Appendix C below. This should be sent as a
group email to all trainees.
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  11
Assessment  Associate Diploma in
Trainee guidance
Premier Hotel is based in Riyadh in an area where there are other hotels. The hotel is family owned
and has been open for over 70 years. Details of the hotel are in Appendix 1.
The family are no longer involved in the daily operation of the hotel, but they meet three times a year
to agree future strategy. There are plans to open a second hotel in Paris next year and in New York in
three years time. The three hotels will be under a new brand name ‘Wahid Hotels’.
The General Manager has been with the hotel for 20 years. He is leading the development of the new
hotel in Paris.
You are the Assistant Manager. Your responsibilities include:
  dealing with general customer enquiries
  dealing with daily operational issues
  contributing to strategic planning
  providing support relating to the development of the Paris hotel
  providing support to the General Manager
  liaising with different departments
  contributing to the development of policies and procedures
  general business administration.
It is Wednesday morning and the General Manager is in Paris. He will return to the Riyadh office on
Saturday. You have been away for the last week on courses and at meetings, but are now at your
desk in the Riyadh hotel. You have a number of emails in your inbox. There is post on the General
Manager’s desk.
You will receive further emails, correspondence and telephone calls throughout the day that you will
have to deal with.
Task A Planning Your Work
Task A (i)
You are required to plan how to deal with the emails in your inbox (Appendix 4) and the post. You will
need to look through all of the Appendices to help you. You should use an electronic planning tool to
complete this. Your plan should prioritizetasks and allocate time to each task.
Additional tasks will arrive during the completion ofthis assessment and you should allow for this in
your plan.
This task is recommended to take 30 minutes to complete
Monitor your plan regularly and update as new tasks arise. You should save each version.
12  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
You are also required to review your planning and how you managed the assignment.
Task A (ii)
You are required to update the organization’s knowledge management system with any relevant
information arising from completing the tasks throughout this assignment.
Task B Carry Out Assistant Manager Role
You are required to create a digital calendar for the General Manager for the following week (Saturday
to Thursday) using the information in Appendix 3. This should be updated throughout the
assignment, as required, and you should submit the final calendar.
You are required to deal with the incoming mail on the General Manager’s desk. You should open all
envelopes and log details in the Mail Book (Appendix 5).
You are required to action and respond to all emailsin Appendix 4 and any new emails received. All
responses should be by email. You can either produce a document and send as an attachment, or
include in the content of the email. You will be provided with email addresses to use.
You are required to deal with any other requests you receive.
You should ensure that any communication/correspondence meets the organization house style
policy in Appendix 2.
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  13
Assessment  Associate Diploma in
Task A (i) Grading criteria
Grade D
The trainee has
identified tasks to be completed.  
sequenced tasks.  
allocated time to some tasks.  
Grade B
The trainee has achieved everything at grade D and C and
set realistic timescales for tasks.  
prioritized tasks.  
Grade A
The trainee has achieved everything at grade D, C and B and
given allowance for contingencies.  
updated the plan for all additional tasks.  
reviewed planning.  
Note: Allpoints at eachgrade mustbe evidenced in order to achieve marks for grade.
Grade C
The trainee has achieved everything at grade D and
updated the plan for at least one additional task.  
allocated time to all tasks.  
14  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Assessment  Associate Diploma in
Task A (ii) Grading criteria
Grade D
The trainee has
identified basic information to be included in the knowledge management system.  
labeled files using a simple naming structure.  
stored files in the appropriate locationin the knowledge management system.  
Grade B
The trainee has achieved everything at grade D and C and
labeled files using a complex, appropriate naming structure.  
Grade A
The trainee has achieved everything at grade D, C and B and
presented information in a way that meets documentation control.  
Note: Allpoints at eachgrade mustbe evidenced in order to achieve marks for grade.
Grade C
The trainee has achieved everything at grade C and
identified relevant information to be included in the knowledge management system.  
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  15
Assessment  Associate Diploma in
Task B Grading criteria
Grade D
The trainee has
produced a calendar with requirements set out in Appendix 3.  
opened and allocated mail and entered details into Mail Book.  
dealt with all emails in Appendix 4.  
completed risk assessment.  
Grade C
The trainee has achieved everything at grade D and
entered requirements identified in all emails into calendar.  
completed Mail Book accurately.  
produced letter headed paper including space for a logo and contact details for both
hotels.  
identified issues with business continuity strategy.  
presented more than one option for Frenchlanguage development, together with a
preference.  
produced an intellectual property policy.  
produced a presentation for the bank with relevant information.  
summarized the staffing budget.  
denied request for confidential information.  
identified appropriate options for insurance, flight and accommodation for visit to
Paris.  
produced an updated financial projection.  
produced an accurate linen calculation.  
completed purchase requisition form accurately.  
identified suitable photographs and details of photographers.  
identified two health and safety and one security hazard. Identified relevant people
affected by all identified hazards.  
16  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Grade B
The trainee has achieved everything at grade D and C and
notified relevant people of General Manager’s calendar requirements.  
included headed paper which includes advanced formatting and design features.  
provided recommendations on improvements to business continuity strategy.  
produced intellectual policy specifically related to a logo.  
justified choice for French language development option.  
added speaker notes to the presentation for the bank.  
identified key issues in staffing budget.  
explained why confidential information is not provided.  
has taken account of all requirements for trip to Paris.  
differentiated between cash and credit sales projections.  
has ordered paper within the required timescale.  

produced a press release with a promotional tone and no spelling or grammatical
errors.  
identified three health and safety hazards. Evaluated risks in relation to all health,
safety and security hazards. Described waysof minimizing health, safety and security

BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  17
Grade A
The trainee has achieved everything at grade D, C and B and
included notes on calendar appointments for the General Manager.  
produced a business continuity strategy with examples.  
proposed a French language development option that is feasible meeting personal
and business requirements.  
included intellectual property policy which is well presented and includes
responsibilities and timelines.  
produced a presentation for the bank which complies with organizational house
style, including illustrations of data and uses advanced features and formatting.  
identified four health and safety hazards.  
calculated variances staffing budget.  
all emails comply with organizational house style policy.  
used an assertive tone in response to request for confidential information.  
calculated at least one month’s financial projections accurately.  
produced a detailed, well-presented itinerary.  
Note: Allpoints at eachgrade mustbe evidenced in order to achieve marks for grade.
18  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Assessment  Associate Diploma in
Task B  Observation – Grading criteria
Trainee name:
Trainees are notpermitted to use the checklist to work from when completing the practical tasks, but
may familiarize themselves with it prior to the observation.
Allcriteria must be achieved and the criteria indicated with * can be awarded marks based on the
descriptors in the table.
Please tick when all pre-observation requirements have been met
Telephone call
1.  Checked speaking to the correct person  1
2.  Introduced themselves
3.  Introduced the company they represent
4.  Introduced their role
5.  Provided context for the call  1 2 3 4
6.  Gave the purpose of the call
7.  Asked if they are interested in attending the event  1
8.  Obtained colleague’s information  1 2 3 4
9.  Asked if anyone else might be useful to contact
10. Obtained details of others to contact
1 2  3  4
11. Developed rapport
1 2  3  4
12. Responded to request for information
1 2  3  4
13. Provided details of next steps
14. Thanked the contact for his time on the call and the information,
used the name and closed the call.
Trainee signature and date
Assessor signature and date
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  19
The marks for eachobservation should be
totaled and the conversion chart used to
determine the grade for eachobservation.
Converting marks to grades
Grade Marks ranges
D  14-17
C  18-21
B  22-25
A  26-29
20  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Assessment Associate Diploma in
Practical observation descriptor table
1 Mark  2 Marks  3 Marks  4 Marks
context for
the call
Provided general
Provided general
including the
name of the
General Manager.
details on the
meeting with
the General
Provided specific
information on the
previous meeting
with the General
Obtained name of
Obtained contact
Obtained job
Obtained reason
why suitable.
details of
others to
Obtained name of
one other person
to contact.
Obtained contact
Obtained job
Obtained reason
why suitable.
Used name in
showed some
hesitance in
asked what
needed to be
asked, listened to
Used name in
asked questions
to engage the
other person, not
all questions
appropriate, used
a friendly tone.
Used name in
active listening;
provided, asked
questions to
engage the
other person;
used a friendly
Used name in
active listening and
building on
provided, used
confidently asked
questions to
engage the other
person; used a
friendly tone,
to request
information which
may be
Provides accurate
information but
takes time to find
it or suggests they
will investigate
and respond
within a
within an
Quickly and
provided accurate
24  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
It is not feasible that the assessor can coordinate phone calls to PL Food Imports Ltd to occur at the
time the trainee indicates in their plan. Therefore, the calls need to be timetabled. This should be
made clear to the trainee and it should not affect their initial planning. After the initial plan is
submitted, trainees should be informed of the allocated time when they can make their telephone call
to PL Food Imports Ltd. They should be given a reminder 15 minutes before their allocated slot to allow
them to prepare any resources for the call. Each trainee should be allocated 15 minutes to complete
the phone call.
The trainee should be given a room from which telephone calls can be made. The telephone does not
have to make external calls; the call can be internal. The trainee will need to be provided with an actual
telephone number to call.
The telephone should be answered by an adult in a separate room. This must be a staff member or
person external to the center, such as an employer, but not another trainee. The assessor is not
required to listen in to the telephone conversation, providing it can be recordedand accessed at a later
The adult answering the telephone should be provided with the following brief:
Background information
Your name is John Gillette and you are the Sales Director for PL Food Imports Ltd. Your company
produce a range of dairy products that are sold throughout the world. You have previously visited
Riyadh and have stayed at Premier Hotel. Some of your other Sales and Marketing staff have also
stayed there when visiting Riyadh for business. PL Food Imports Ltd also sell their products in France
and you and your staff often visit Paris for business and stay in central hotels. On a recent visit to Paris
you met with Mr Abu Saleh Al Falaini. He is the General Manager of the Premier Hotel in Riyadh and you
have met him before when you stayed in the hotel there. He told you that they are opening a new hotel
in Paris and discussed you using this new hotel when you visit in future. He said they were planning a
promotion evening next month in Paris and would like toinvite you to that event. He said you would be
welcome to bring a colleague.
You will be called by the Assistant Manager. This is not someone you know or have met before. The
purpose of their call is to get the names of peopleyou think Premier Hotel should invite to their
promotional event.
Your role on the telephone call
You should ask for more details about the event. The Assistant Manager won’t have details to give you
at this stage. You should give the name of a colleague, Tom Smart. If prompted, you should also give
their email address (tsmart@plfood.co.uk) and their position in the company, Chief Financial Officer.
If prompted you should also recommend the Sales Director of your sister company PL Essen. The
company is based in Berlin and they also have staff that visit Paris. The Sales Director is Hr Franz Ritter
You should ask for some information about the Paris hotel. You should ensure you do not ask for the
same information from all trainees. Requests can include hotel address, number of rooms, general
location, facilities etc. Details of the Paris hotel are in Appendix 6 and can be used to identify questions
to ask.
If the trainee attempts to build a rapport, you should respond positively.
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  25
The trainee is required to carry out a risk assessment on a refurbished room. The refurbished room is a
new business center in the hotel. This could be created in a normal classroom environment. As a
minimum this should include:
  tables, chairs, at least two computers and a printer, with paper
  desk for receptionist with telephone, computer and printer
  cupboard/set of drawers
  a table with beverages and snacks
  a minimum of four health and safety hazards. The assessor is required to simulate the risks in
the environment where the assessment takes place. Examples could include a chair with a
broken leg, an unsecured rug, spillage on the floor, trailing wires, sign falling off wall, broken
glass, a cracked or dirty glass, briefcase or bag under the table, loose paper, open cupboard
door, drinks beside computer.
  there must be one security hazard in the room. The assessor is required to simulate this hazard
in the environment where the assessment takes place. This could include an envelope stuck
under a table or chair, an unattended bag, a clock in a box.
  assessors should ensure that each trainee is independently assessed and there is no
opportunity for a trainee to share their experiences with another. This should be through
varying the hazards that exist in the room and/or their location. If the trainee identifies a
plausible hazard that was not intentionally placed in the room, this can be validly included in the
The trainee is required to complete the risk assessment provided in Appendix 10.
The trainee should be allocated 20 minutes to complete the risk assessment. The following email
should be sent to the trainee from the General Managers account 10 minutes before their allocated
Refurbished Room
The builders have confirmed that the new business center is ready for handover. We need to start
promoting this new facility on our website. It can’t wait for me to get back, so can you complete the
risk assessment today so that we can promote it from tomorrow. Let Marketing know if it is OK and
send me the risk assessment form.
26  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
The trainee should be sent four additional emailsthroughout the assignment. The content of each
email is given below. This text be copied into a group email and sent to all trainees at the time
This content should be emailed to the trainee from the General Manager’s email account one hour
after the start of the assessment.
Cash Flow Forecast
Omar, in Marketing, has completed a contract withaccommodation.com. The hotels (including Paris
when it opens) will now be available for bookingsthrough the accommodation.com website from the
beginning of August. Marketing have forecast that this will increase revenue by 20%. However, they
also forecast that 10% of our existing customers willuse this website for bookings, rather than book
through us direct. We have to pay 10% commission to accommodation.com and they will pay us at the
end of the following month. This will impact on our cash flow. We need to include the revised forecast
into the presentation to the bank. Can you update the forecast and put it into the presentation? A
graphic illustration of the figures would be good.
This content should be emailed to the trainee from the General Manager’s email account four hours
after the start of the assessment.
Marketing Plan
I sent you an email earlier about a presentation to the bank. Can you make sure you include details of
our marketing plan?
I think we might need an example of a press release we will use for marketing. Can you draft one? I
know we don’t have photographs yet, but can you indicate what photos we would send in the press
release. We will need someone in France to take photographs. Can you get me some names and
contact numbers of photographers in Paris?
This content should be emailed to the trainee from the General Manager’s email account seven hours
after the start of the assessment.
Port de Vanves
I will need to know what linen we will need from Port de Vanves. Can you come up with a number of
items we need. This will include:
Pillow cases
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  27
This content should be emailed to the trainee from the email account for Omar in Marketing eight
hours after the start of the assessment.
Paper – Urgent!
We are nearly out of paper A4 paper for the printer. We will need some for the morning. Can you
submit an urgent request for a box? Print SuppliesLtd can get some to arrive tomorrow if we order
within an hour. You need to authorize it.
Omar, Marketing
Appendix 1
28  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Premier Hotel Information
Premier    Hotel
Small    hotel    offering    luxury    accommodation.
9033 King Fahad Road, Olaya, Riyadh
0966 1 1238 2345
FAX  0966 1 1238 2346
WEBSITE  www.premierhotel.sa
EMAIL  info@premierhotel.sa
The    organization    is    a    small,    30    room    family    owned
hotel    offering    luxury    accommodation.    It    caters    for
the    International    market.        All    staff    are    multi‐lingual.
Conferences,    business    meetings    and    celebratory
occasions    are    catered    for    to    a    maximum    of    50    people.
The    hotel    also    offers    a    prayer    hall.    The    restaurant    is
known    as    one    of    the    best    in    the    country.
The    hotel    is    non‐smoking.
The    hotel    specializes    in    creating    packages    for    visitors
aiming    to    make    each    visit    an    individual    experience.
The    hotel    has    an    annual    turnover    of    approx.    $3
Ground    floor    –    reception,    dining    room    which    can
hold    up    to    60    guests,    lounge,    bar,    kitchen,    function
suite,    prayer    hall,    cloakroom,    male    and    female    public
floor    –    6    queen    rooms    and    4    standard    king
floor    –10    standard    king    bedrooms
floor    ‐    6    deluxe    bedrooms
floor    –    2    deluxe    bedrooms    and    2    penthouse    suites
Exterior    –    car    park    and    gardens
The    hotel    has    rooms    which    are    all    individually
designed    to    a    high    standard,    furnished    with    antiques.
A    full    inventory    of    high    priced    furnishings,    antiques
etc    has    led    to    an    insurance    value    of    the    buildings    at
$100    million    while    the    contents    will    need    to    be
insured    for    $25    million    with    20    items    valued    over
Items    valued    over    $100,000    are:
1.  Fifteen    paintings    worth    approx.    $100,000
2.  Two    items    of    furniture    worth    approx.
$150,000    each
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  29
3.  Three    porcelain    items    worth    approx.
$100,000    each
There    are    also    the    following:
30    items    of    furniture    worth    individually    over    $15000
100    porcelain    and    glass    items    worth    individually
over    $20000
5    garden    items    worth    over    $10000    each.
STAFF EMPLOYED  1    General    Manager
1    Assistant    Manager
1    Conference    and    Banqueting    Manager
1    Restaurant    Manager
2    Junior    Managers
1    Sales    and    Marketing    Manager
7    Receptionists
4    Concierge
1    In‐house    beauty    consultant
2    Night    Porters
3    Drivers
1    Head    Chef,    3    full    time,    2    part    time    chefs    and    10
kitchen    staff
7    full    time    and    6    part    time    waiters
4    bar    staff
7    cleaners
1    grounds    keeper
2    maintenance    staff
For    specialist    events,    additional    staff    are    brought    in.
All    rooms    are    individually    designed
Two    suites    include    living    and    dining    areas
One    meeting    room    which    can    accommodate    up    to    30
Restaurant    for    60    guests
Cafe    open    11    am    until    2    am
20    outdoor    car    parking    spaces    with    valet    service
Security    cameras    throughout.
Airport    transfers
Small    wedding    receptions
Specialist    excursions
Beauty    treatments
30  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
View of staircase from top of fourth floor
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  31
View of Entrance to Rooms
View of Lounge Area
32  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Appendix 2
Premier Hotel House Style Policy
The house style relates to the way both internal and external company written communication is
presented. All staff must ensure all written communication, be it hard copy or electronic, is
completed according to this policy.
The company has produced templates for many documents and where they are in place they
must be used.
The rules for all written communication are noted below and must be followed.
 The font for general content is Arial and font size is 11 and it must always be used  except in situations detailed below. For all equipment without Arial, Helvetica is an
 All text, including headings, should be aligned left. Right-hand margins should be  ragged, not justified.
 Standard line spacing (leading) is 1.0.   There should be only one space after all punctuation marks and hyphens used and  dashes should have one space on either side.
 Any document title will be 16 point Arial Bold, subtitle 14 point Arial bold and headings  11 point Arial Bold. Titles and headings should be aligned left, should be kept as short as
possible and not be any longer than one line. As a general rule, a lower level heading
need not repeat the information in the heading above it.
 Terms requiring emphasis should be set in bold type (not italics or underlining) but any
punctuation following the bold word should not be in bold.
 Bullet points can be used to summarize information and aligned left, with a 1.5 cm tab  before text. There will be no line space after the bulleted paragraph unless it is the final
bullet. It is important to note that where bullet points are introduced by a full sentence
they should begin with an upper case initial and should themselves consist of full
sentences where possible (as with the bullet points here). However, bullet points that
follow on from an incomplete introductory sentence and colon should begin with a lower
case letter and end without punctuation except the last bullet, which ends with a full stop.
 When using abbreviations, always write out the term in full when it is first introduced with  the abbreviation in brackets beside it. Then the abbreviation can be used as needed
throughout the documentation. An acronym is an abbreviation that is pronounced like a
word, for example: CMA is Capital Market Authority (Saudi Arabia) and again can be
used in communication as abbreviations are above.
 When using the European order (day, month, year) for dates and years you should not  use commas and use numerals only for example Wednesday 4 June 2014 and not the
June 2014. You should not show years as follows eg 2014-2015.
 Common Latin abbreviations can replace certain phrases with ‘for example’ being shown  as ‘eg’, ‘that is’ as ‘ie’ and ‘so on’ as ‘etc’. These should be used without punctuation –
‘ie’ and not ‘i.e.’.
Emails are increasingly used within the company, both for internal and external communication.
Emails, including internal ones, are classed as official company records and can be accessed by
technical staff and your manager. Please think carefully before sending emails to ‘All staff ‘. Think
carefully about whom you copy in, copying only colleagues who really need to know, or need to
respond to the content.
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  33
All emails must be written following house style with any emails sent to customers professionally
written. Note: informal expressions and ’emoticons’ are notaccepted.
A signature in dark blue to include name, job title and telephone number should be added to the
end of each email. The disclaimer (below) should be at the end of the signature and should be in
black 8 point Arial
This email (together with any files transmitted with it) is intended only for the use of the individual(s) to whom it is addressed. It may
contain information which is confidential and/or legally privileged. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender by
return email (or telephone) and delete the original message.
The sender has taken reasonable precautions to check for viruses but the recipient opens this message at his or her own risk.
Social Media
Accessing of any social network site is not acceptable during office hours and, when accessed in
own time, care should be taken that no mention is made of the company or of any information
relating to your workplace and work.
34  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Appendix 3
General Manager Calendar Requirements
  Daily briefing with departmental managers: facilities, sales and marketing, conference and
banqueting at 0900 for 30 minutes. Can be by teleconference. Dial in details needed 0966 11
22334568. Participant code 5456688#
  A review of bedroom sales and occupancy rates with the Sales and Marketing Manager on
Thursday at 1500 for three hours
  Daily meeting at 1600 for 30 minutes with the Conference and Banqueting Manager to review
sales for the previous day
  A meeting is in place on Thursday morning to review the marketing strategy for the new hotel
with the Sales and Marketing Manager. This is 1100-1330. If out of office in Riyadh, the
Marketing Manager to send email with details. Set up a reminder to be sent.
  Head of Housekeeping is meeting me on Tuesday morning at 1000 for an hour to discuss the
  An appraisal with the Facilities Manager is planned for Monday at 1000 for two hours
  Communicate at the start of each day with Assistant Manager.
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Date received  Details of package  Contents  Forwarded to  Date
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  41
Quai des Grands Augustins
75006 Paris
Tel 00 33 1 53 01 291
Three town houses have been purchased which will be converted to a 30 room luxury hotel. The
hotel will be decorated with French and Arabic antiques and furniture. However, employees will be
our most valued resource. Management will ensure they will play an active role in maintaining the
high quality aims and objectives of the hotel. The hotel will be recruiting staff with proven experience
in delivering high quality personalized service. The aim is to provide a genuine personal and
memorable experience that reflects the close relationship between France and Arabia.
The hotel will be a short walk from the Louvre in central Paris and the Metro. The view from the main
entrance is shown below.
The hotel will have a roof top terrace with spectacular views of the city. It will also be the location of
our 30 cover, fine dining restaurant, led by Executive Chef Mr Jacque Leclerc. The basement area will
42  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
have a dedicated spa area. The hotel will offer a chauffeur service to all guests, but parking spaces
have been negotiated nearby.
All rooms will be deluxe with king beds and goose down duvets, catering for business professionals.
Each ensuite room has a desk, laptop with high speed wifi access, telephone and teleconference
facilities. A business support center is available 24hours a day, to support international visitors.
Butler service is available 24 hours a day. There is one butler for each of the five floors.
There is no function room.
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  43
Linen Requirement
Queen bed fitted sheets  1 per bed
Queen bed flat sheets  1 per bed
King bed fitted sheets  1 per bed
King bed flat sheets  1 per bed
Pillow cases  6 per room
Bath towels  8 per room
Hand towels  8 per room
Tablecloths 120 per day
Napkins 300 per day
Linen required:
 One set in use
 One set ready for use
 One set in laundry
 Two sets spare
44  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Staff employed  Budgeted Hours Per
Actual Hours Previous
7 Receptionists  240  234
4 Concierge  148  160
1 In-house beauty consultant  40  60
2 Night Porters  84  84
3 Drivers  150  180
3 Full time chefs, 2 part time chefs and
10 kitchen staff
324 444
7 Full time and 6 part time waiters  280  360
4 Bar staff  160  100
7 Cleaners  280  280
1 Grounds keeper  40  32
2 Maintenance staff  80  80
Outsourced staff  0  20
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  45
Our commitment is to continuously improve our services in order to exceed customers’
expectations and to treat suppliers fairly.
General Principles
Where risk cannot be eliminated, and there is a threat, this Business Continuity Plan
(BCP) will be used to minimize disruption and ensure business resumes as early as
possible, with least inconvenience to customers.
Each department will contribute to the plan.
Discussion will take place with emergency services and utilities providers to ensure all
eventualities have been considered.
All staff will be provided with a copy of the plan. Consideration will be given to providing
copies to the emergency services.
The plan must include allocation of responsibilities and how the process will be initiated
should an incident occur. There must also be arrangements to test the plan periodically
and to update it accordingly.
The overall contents of a plan should include:
 Key personnel and their contact details  Emergency services contacts
 Actions to be taken and sequence  Incident checklist
 Media response strategy   Incident and emergency center and resource requirements  Security requirements
 Sample log book for recording incidents
The contingencies that need to be considered are:
 Health and safety  Environment
Business interruption
Public liability
 Terrorism, civil disorder
46  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Suitable measures must be chosen to assess the timeliness and effectiveness of the plan.
External specialists may be contracted to provide an objective assessment of the plan
and response times, along with recommendations for improvements.
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  47
Work Activity  Description of
People Affected
& Numbers
Assessment of Risk  Controls
Likelihood  Consequence  Risk
48  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Premier Hotel
Date: ________
Requesting Department: ________________________________
Quantity  Description  Price / Unit            Delivery
Deliver to:  Required date of
PL Supplies
Box A3 White Paper SAR100
Box A4 White Multi-purpose Paper SAR50
Box A4 Color Copy Paper SAR100
Delivery charge minimum SAR50. No charge for total orders SAR200 or over.
PL Supplies 2New Industrial Area, Riyadh 14332 7675, Saudi Arabia
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  49
Riyadh Hotel Room Forecast
July August  September  October  November
Sales (cash)
650000 720000 810000  825000 736000
(credit) SAR
10200 42000 15700  10200 10200
50  BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma in Business – Capstone 3
Business Card
John Gillette
PL Food Imports Ltd  78 Buxhall Crescent
E9 1QD
Email: jgillette@plfoods.co.uk
TEL:0207 145 6989
PL Food
BSUBA-1-1-3 Associate Diploma In Business – Capstone 3  51
Objective   To develop ‘Wahid’ brand   To open hotels in Paris and New York   To increase awareness of the brand   To increase number of loyal customers  Target Markets   National – business with international links;  government departments
 International – specialist tour operators,  online booking agents, large multinational
corporations, airlines
Marketing Mix (4Ps)
 Product: luxury hotel, family owned, high  quality, facilities to meet needs of market in
each country, exclusive services
 Pricing strategy: premium pricing strategy   Place: online agents, website   Promotion: Website, social media, travel  exhibitions in major cities, trade magazine
advertisements, luxury lifestyle magazines
Market Position   Unique, family run, Arabic quality  accommodation and services
Recommendations  Consider Shanghai
 Consider links with airlines  Consider conference market
 Aim for Michelin star for restaurant in Paris

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