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Human Service Workers and the Law (Social Work core subject)

Assessment #1 – Written case study
Assessment 1
Instead of attending tutorial in Week 7 each student will, in their own time, visit and attend a setting at a Magistrate Court either in the City of Adelaide or in a suburban or regional setting. (See SA Courts
Administration Authority for locations). You will not be allowed to take notes during the session but you are advised to note take immediately after you leave as this assessment will be based on a case that you observe in the court.
The assessment will comprise an essay with introduction and conclusions and sections under the
headings of:
Brief description of the court setting: who is participating, where the participants are placed, whether the defendant is represented by a solicitor, how the formality of the court is conveyed.
Case synopsis; a report of a case proceeding that you observed in one of the above Courts (confidentiality must be observed).
Identification; identification and description of the legislation that was applied
Intervention; A description of the court ruling and it’s purpose
Social work role; The potential social work role, knowledge and skills required to work in this case
Social justice and ethical issues; Discussion addressing issues of social justice and ethical issues
If when you attend court there is no suitable case that you can use for this assessment there is a DVD posted on the JUST 2005 learn on line site which depict cases which are before a Family Violence diversion court. In the event that there are no suitable cases in the Magistrates Court please familiarise yourself with a case that is shown the DVD und use this to answer the above questions.
A minimum of 8 references to JUST 2005 course materials including textbook, e-readings and legislation will be expected.
This assessment task is among other things a test of individual knowledge and the ability to apply it. While there may be some collaborative work in discussing the case, there is to be no sharing of notes, joint written preparation and or joint writing. If it is appears that there has been collaborative or copied work on the case study the University integrity policy will be activated.
The video referred to regarding assessment 1 if you wish to write your assessment on a domestic violence case is attached below this link: http://www.courts.sa.gov.au/OurCourts/MagistratesCourt/InterventionPrograms/Pages/Stop-the-violence-video.aspx
1. Write it in easier language as an asian international students and don’t use any difficult word.
2. The page number of in-text referencing must be quoted and match with the end-text referencing.
3. Plz must read all the uploaded file. Otherwise u will easily leave the topic idea and would fail for the course.
4. This is Social Work core subject assignment and use the idea from the attached powerpoint and course outline.
5. You must use the referencing from required topic or e-reading as source or referencing that shows very strong connection of the course to the tutor.
You will need continual access to the following text(s) to complete this course. The library does not hold multiple copies of the nominated text books. It is strongly recommended that you purchase the book(s).
Kennedy, R with Richards, J 2012, Integrating Human Service Law and Practice, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Course Content
The students will develop an introductory knowledge of the law, including criminal law, contract and other business related law, family law, child protection law, residential and consumer protections, discrimination law, definitions of mental incapacity and the relationship between professional ethics and law and human rights and law. The students will apply their knowledge to the legal protections and risks for human service workers, professional negligence, confidentiality and privacy and the legal context of human services funding arrangements.
Welcome to Human Service Workers and the Law. This course has been developed with the aim of providing you with the opportunity to gain a beginning understanding of the issues for human service workers and the law. I hope that you find this course stimulating, challenging and a worthwhile learning experience. I look forward to working with you during this study period.
Course Aim
To enable the students to develop and apply legal knowledge and skills required of social and human service workers and to critically examine legal responses to social issues.
Course Objectives
On completion of this course, students should be able to:
CO1. Demonstrate knowledge of legal rights, obligations and responsibilities of human service workers;
CO2. Critically examine the relationship between legal, ethical and other regulation of professional practice
CO3. Analyse human rights and legal issues commonly experienced by clients of human service organisations
CO4. Identify and access relevant information and resources when faced with a legal problem
CO5. Apply legal knowledge to the facts of a human service problem
CO6. Exercising professional judgement in working with evidence, time lines and arguments as required in a legal context
CO7. Analyse the advantages and limitations of legal responses to social problems

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