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Planning an informative Essay Alternate Assignment

Planning an informative Essay Alternate Assignment
The questions below will help you plan your informative Outline.
1. When selecting a topic, the main questions you need to ask yourself are, “What do I know?”, “What would I like to learn more about?”, and “What topic can I easily find information on?”
The general topic of my informative outline is ’Biofuels’. I chose this topic because biofuels intrigue me and they are becoming more and more important as the natural resources all over the world are getting exhausted.
Example: The general topic of my informative essay is balloons. I chose this topic because I have always been fascinated with the colorful hot-air balloons that light up the sky.
2. When writing an informative paper you will want to focus on two main areas of research for that topic. For example, the history of something and the present day use of that same thing or where something came from to where it will go in the future.
The two areas of this topic I am going to be researching are:
1) I’m going to research the history of biofuels because they’ve been developed recently and not a lot of people are aware about them. I’d like to spread awareness about biofuels to the audience.
2) I’m going to research importance and advanced production of biofuels because they can serve as a fantastic alternate to the conventional petroleum derived fuel which is used and are environment friendly as well.
Example: The first area I’m going to research is the history of ballooning. I will research information on free-floating balloons and airships so the audience can understand where balloons came from.
The second area I’m going to research is modern ballooning because I want the audience to see how far balloons have come.
3. Now that you have determined what you are going to write about, you need to make a unifying declarative thesis statement. “A research thesis is your proposed answer to your research question”. It should be neither too broad or to narrow. Be sure to write your thesis statement in one clear concise sentence.
My research will prove that: Biofuels are the next generation fuels as they serve the purpose of sustainable living and decreased hazards.
Example: Ballooning in the United States today is a popular hobby for spectators and fliers, but it has also been a serious branch of aeronautics for more than 200 years.
Topic/Subject + .the Summarized Main Point of your Research.
Back in 1917, Alexander Graham Bell made the following observation in National Geographic, “Alcohol makes a beautiful, clean and efficient fuel. Alcohol can be manufactured from corn stalks, and in fact from almost any vegetable matter capable of fermentation…We need never fear the exhaustion of our present fuel supplies so long as we can produce an annual cop of alcohol to any extent desired.” Biofuel’s roots run deep into the earliest automotive days. The first internal combustion engine in the U.S. was built by Samuel Morey who used it to power a small boat up the Connecticut River in 1826 [RP Siegel, 2012]. He fueled it with a mixture of turpentine and alcohol. So how are we making biofuels today? We shall discuss its production in short and prove its importance in today’s world.
The yeast cell factory Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be turned into a producer of higher alcohols (1-butanol and isobutanol), sesquiterpenes (farnesene and bisabolene), and fatty acid ethyl esters (biodiesel). These are compounds that can cover the complete fuel spectrum, ranging from gasoline to kerosene and can be used instead of the fossil fuels for heavy duty vehicles, ships and aviation. [Buijs NA, Siewers V, Nielsen J]
Biofuels burn cleaner than fossil fuels. They don’t produce sulfur or aromatics, so there’s no unpleasant smell associated with burning biofuels. They still release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, BUT do so at reduced levels. According to a report by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), biodiesel produce 78.5 percent fewer carbon dioxide emissions than petroleum diesel. This is a significant value, considering the environmental and health hazards discussed by many environmentalists today. Besides, the Earth’s ‘non-renewable’ resources are depleting at a rapid rate and the there is a crisis for the same in many parts of the world.
It is therefore extremely important that we replace these fossil fuels with a good quality fuel which would also be relatively environmental friendly. Hence, the light should be thrown on the importance of biofuels and its uses in order to ensure sustainable living.

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