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Political Science in Kuwait

Political Science in Kuwait
Paper instructions:
must present an argumentative question in regards to the content
please use the attached material for the essay needed
please add one more scholarly academic source other then the ones provided
the source should not be primary
Explain Kuwait’s democratic development since its independence.
Your essay must be word processed and contain the following information:
A title page with (1) your name, (2) the question and (3) date of submission.
Page numbers;
Footnotes or endnotes; and
A bibliography at the end
You may use no less than 4 academic sources including academic books and journals (aim not to use your required readings!). It is important that you look for reference works on your own, or
with the help of the library staff, so that you can develop the important skill of independent search for literature.
How to reference a book in the bibliography
Crystal, Jill. (1992), Kuwait : the transformation of an oil state, Westview Press, Boulder, 1992.
How to reference a journal article in the bibliography
Ghabra, Shafeeq. “Kuwait and the Dynamics of Socio-economic Change”, Middle East
Journal, 1997, Vol.15, No.3, pp.358-72.
Internet Sources
If the page you have used has an author and a title, you can include it as normal in the alphabetical list of sources (e.g. Sands, James, ‘Kafka and the Surrealists’ at:
http://www.pitt.edu/german/sands/kafka.htm, accessed 9 May 2013). If the page has no clear author, the reference should appear at the end of the alphabetical list.
Internet plagiarism (copying from web sources without proper referencing) carries penalties and is dealt with in exactly the same way as plagiarism from printed sources. Although cut-and-
paste facilities make it tempting to copy material from web pages, search engines and turnit.com make Internet plagiarism easy to detect.
As X point out, …
According to X, …
To quote from X, “….”
X states /suggests that…
X shows that…
In an article entitled Name of Text, X makes the point that…
In Name of Source, X wrote that…
Writing in 1998, X argued that…
Using Quotations:
Quotations should be:
used only if the words really worth quoting
brief-a few words or at most a few lines (avoid long quotations)
How to Reference?
When you have used , quoted or paraphrased a source, acknowledge it (otherwise this is called plagiarism!). Either within the sentence or at the end of the sentence, write in brackets the
author’s name, date of publication and page numbers. Full details of the source should be written out in the bibliography.
How to Write a Bibliography?
book: note you don’t give the page numbers (this you do when referencing within the essay!)
Crystal, Jill. (1992), Kuwait : the transformation of an oil state, Westview Press, Boulder, 1992.
Journal: not for a journal article you give the page numbers for the whole article
Recommended Books
The following books are classics on the Government and Politics of Kuwait; you are strongly advised to consult them and are placed on short reserve at the Library.
Books in English
Crystal, Jill. (1995), Oil and politics in the Gulf : rulers and merchants in Kuwait and Qatar
Crystal, Jill. (1992), Kuwait : the transformation of an oil state
Al-Dekhayel, Abdulkarim. (2000), Kuwait : oil, state and political legitimation
Al-Ibrahim, Hasan. (1982) Kuwait and the Gulf : small states and the international system
Al-Ibrahim, Hasan. (1975), Kuwait : a political study
Khalaf, Abdulhadi. .Constitutional reform and political participation in the Gulf
Al-Sabah, Meshal. (2013), Gender and politics in Kuwait : women and political participation in the Gulf
Tetreault, Mary Ann. (2000), Stories of democracy : politics and society in contemporary Kuwait
Tetreault, Mary Ann. (2011), Political change in the Arab Gulf States : stuck in transition
Tetreault, Mary Ann. (1995), Gender, Citizenship and Nationalism in Kuwait
Tetreault, Mary Ann. (1995), Modernization and Its Discontents: State and Gender in Kuwait
Tetreault, Mary Ann. (1991) Autonomy, Necessity, and the Small State: Ruling Kuwait in the Twentieth Century
9. Who end up losing as a result of the war? Is it one party or more than one? Elaborate.
10. What was the cost of the war for Iraq and the U.S. in terms of civilian casualties, soldiers, and materials? 11. How many Iraqi civilians lost their lives? (You may want to use outside sources to
answer questions 10 and 11. Make sure to document sources of information in your answer).
12. Define war crimes (use outside sources and document them in report). Should specific US leaders be prosecuted based on war crimes or other crimes committed as it relates to the war on and
occupation of Iraq? Who? Elaborate.
13. Does the U.S. have a moral/ethical obligation to rebuild Iraq?
14. Now that you have learned about the war on and occupation of Iraq, what is your responsibility as an informed citizen? Explain.

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