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The Madman and the Nun by Stanislaw Witkiewicz

The Madman and the Nun by Stanislaw Witkiewicz
The Madman and the Nun ?
In this Witkiewicz, he uses the setting of the madhouse and the motifs of time, poetry, and criminality, (among others,) as direct references to society. What theme does Witkiewicz present by making these analogies, and what is he suggesting about how human beings should react?
The Theme is about socialist Russia and how Witkiewicz predicted the rise and fall of socialist Russia.
Development of Theatre and Drama
How to write for this course
Key points for all papers:
1. Titles of plays are to be underlined or italicized regardless of where the title appears in your paper.
2. Quotes from plays are required in your essay responses. When quoting a script, you must retain not only the exact language, but also the format of the original when possible. If you quote a short phrase from a script, ?you may include the quotation like so, using quotation marks and an in-text citation.? (Beckett, 24). If you quote a larger section of a script, you should indent and maintain the original stanzas or line breaks.
Farewell Love and all thy lawes for ever,
Thy bayted hookes shall tangill me no more :
Senec and Plato call me from thy lore
To perfaict welth my wit for to endev?r.
(Shakespeare, Sonnet 7)
3. Never split a quotation on two pages. Write a little more or reposition the quote so that it appears in its entirety on one page.
4. You may consult, (and cite,) expert opinion in developing your essays, but beware internet sources, use books or articles instead. This is the single best piece of advice I can give you that will make your paper unique and scholarly. Internet language has a certain style that is not academic, and always stands out to the reader. You cannot trust that the information you are accessing via an internet website is accurate, unless you are using the few on-line journals that do publish properly researched articles.
Be unique, stand out, by getting an article or two on your topic.
5. You may use first person in your reports, but you should state facts rather than opinions as much as possible. Use an academic, objective tone rather than a casual, conversational one. When analyzing an image or garment, state your conclusions as valid interpretations and support them with factual evidence.
a. Avoid referring to your own experience unless it has to do with the overall theme of the play or paper. The tendency is to get lost in the details and lose the overall picture when drawing upon your own situation.
b. Beware the term ?relatable.? When a work of art is ?relatable,? that puts the responsibility on the painting, poem, sculpture, or play to be familiar, comforting, or recognizable to YOU. The term ?relatable? is subjective rather than objective. You should be writing about the play, not necessarily how it synchronizes with your life, but what the play is saying or contributes to life.
6. Write as if your reader is familiar with the topic. You do not have to define common terms or give background on a topic we have already studied. If a term or idea is very detailed or specific to your hypothesis, you may need to describe it in greater detail.
7. Do not rely on spell check. Proofread your writing. Spell check will not catch errors such as changes in tense Errors in grammar, sentence structure, spelling and punctuation will impact your grade.
8. Avoid use of clich?s and aphorisms:
a. on the other hand
b. I believe that, (just remove that phrase and state your belief as a fact)
c. in my opinion
d. the funny thing is
9. Do not allow less than three lines on the last line of the paper.
The most important feature of essay writing for this course is that you state an opinion, (hypothesis,) and support it with lines taken from the script. You should strive to have multiple quotes supporting your hypothesis, since that will provide stronger evidence for your position.

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