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A book review for The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

A book review for The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Order Description
Writing a book review can be a lot more fun that you may have realized! In addition, it proves you have attained a high level of proficiency with English. It is something you can be proud of.
It also provides you with a number of benefits; here are just a few:
A chance to read a book you’ve been wanting to read
A chance to take your reading skills to a higher level
A chance to practice addressing a particular audience
Perfecting skills you’ll need for translation
Creating a writing sample you can use for future jobs and study
Sharing your own insights and interpretation about a book
Plus, when you’ve finished you’ve actually created a new text for someone else to read! You are helping to keep the circle of reading going!
A Multi-step Process
Completing a book review requires several steps including:
Choosing a book that you would like to read
Reading it
Reviewing it for someone who has not yet read the book
Sections of the Book Review
There are many ways to write a book review. Here are the elements or sections that you will need to include in this course:
1. Title of the Review (e.g., A Review of A Tale of Two Cities)
2. Introduction
This section introduces your reader to the book and includes information like the name of the book, the author, when the book was written, who the book is written for (i.e., intended audience), etc. Remember your readers will not have read the book, so you want to include adequate details to help them understand your review.
3. Summary
This section of the book gives your reader the main points of the book or storyline. For example, you might write something like:
Jane Eyre is a story about a young woman who develops her character while she makes her way in the world. It begins when she is a young child who is moved to an orphanage by her aunt. The book ends when, after many struggles, she marries her former employer who appreciates her strong character.
Such a summary explains the basic storyline of the story for your reader.
You can also include main characters, setting, conflicts unique to the story and their resolutions. In short, the summary provides readers with enough “facts” of the story so that they can understand it.
4. Your Evaluation
This section’s where you can give your feelings, impressions, and interpretations of the book. The summary gives “the facts”; the evaluation gives your opinions.
This includes discussing whether you (the reviewer) would recommend the book and to whom and why.
You can also explain your favorite parts of the book and why you like them. You can present direct quotations from the book.
If you have read other books by the same author, you can compare whether this book is as successful as others that the author has written. This section sort of rates the book, giving it 5 stars out of 5, or 4 out of 5, and so on. This section makes a book review a review and not just a report.
5. Ending Remarks
In this section you can make some final comments about the book or about the book review process in general—or both. In general, though, the last section says: “Masalama” to your readers. You don’t want to just “hang up” on them.
Course Specifications
This review should follow MLA formatting and be at least 2 pages long (12 pt. font and double-spaced. Standard edited English should be used.
The assignment is worth 20 points; if all, or any part, of the review is copied, it will be subject to the rules of the college including a ZERO for the assignment.
Drafts must be submitted in hard copy. But do save a soft copy on a flash drive or an email inbox. Students must re-construct lost assignments.
Remember: You can get feedback from a writing consultant in the Writing Studio at any stage of your process.
Due Dates
Choice of book due: week 5 (Oct. 12- 16)
Final draft due: week 14 (Dec. 21- 25)
Drafts must be submitted on time.
If you have questions about the assignment, contact me via email or during office hours. You can also ask during class time as other students may have the same question.
Parting Quotes
“A good day is one where I can not just read a book, but write a review of it.”
–Christopher Hitchens, reader and writer
“A good, sympathetic review is always a wonderful surprise.”
–Joyce Carol Oates, famous novelist

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