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application of theory

application of theory
a) application of theory that you are learning in this unit to a real life case study
b) conducting research using online textual, graphic and numeric information;
c) drawing conclusions by reconciling complex information from a variety of sources within a
given word limit;
d) critical thinking;
e) problem solving
f) presentation of a business report;
g) team work (compulsory)
h) values of global citizenship
Project Brief (the assignment)
You are a team of strategy analysts working with a large Australian consulting company. Your
company specialises in assisting Australian companies plan their expansion in global markets. Your
current client i.e. an Australian bank* requires you and your team to provide a comprehensive report
with workable recommendations based on your analysis of the client company from an industry based
view, a resource based view and an institution based view. While making recommendations your team
has to answer the overarching question for your client: “How will my client bank enter the chosen
Asian market leveraging its resources and position itself within that market as a leading player taking
into account all institutional pros and cons?” In answering this question you will need to decide and
justify the pathway that your team recommends. The essence of your report lies in recommendations
that will ensure successful implementation of strategies (both long term and short term), financial
success, market success (such as major market share) and global citizenship performance.
Please read the following assignment requirements carefully as their purpose is to provide clear
guidance to you about the content, presentation and submission requirements for the
B. Forming a group and ‘performing’ as a group
This assignment has been designed as a group assignment. The need for team work has been designed into the task with the requirement that three different perspectives are applied to recommending the process of internationalising an Australian Bank. The task requires each group member to analyse the chosen bank using a specific approach (see next section C) and then working together as a group to integrate all three perspectives in making recommendations.
Groups must not comprise of more than three students. You may seek potential group members through the unit discussion area on Cloud Deakin. A group sign up area will be opened for all groups to sign up during March 2014 and you must sign-up your group on Cloud Deakin by April 7, 2014. This will enable you to submit a single group assignment and also enable us to return the marked assignment on cloud deakin. Group assignments will receive a single mark regardless of subsequent claims of disproportionate or lack of contribution. Students are expected to self-manage all aspects of group communication and performance. If a group member is not performing as per group expectations, then other group members have the option of writing to the Unit Chair requesting removal of that group member but this has to be done prior to assignment submission.
C. Content requirements
Before choosing a bank, carefully examine the content requirements listed below. These requirements are intended to guide you through the preparation and presentation of your report for your client. The content of the assignment is based primarily from the theory in Chapters 1 to 8 of your textbook. Please note that the emphasis in this assignment is on analysis using theory and recommendations based on that but not description. Therefore, it is absolutely essential that you read the textbook, journal papers and do sufficient reference work that is reflected in the actual analysis work done within the assignment linking your analysis and recommendations with theory and facts.
Your assignment is expected to have the following features and content:
a. Introduction (recommended maximum 400 words) would include the name of your client company, its origins, scope of operations, size and other pertinent details. This is followed by a statement of purpose outlining the internationalisation objectives that you have laid down and justification for those, and the target countries/ geographical areas chosen with your rationale for choosing them. This section should also provide the report’s layout section-wise stating the perspectives that you have worked on and the data/other information that your team collected.
b. Company situation analysis (recommended maximum 1500 words, excluding tables or diagrams); This involves demonstration of a clear understanding of the objectives that your team has laid down, an analysis of your client company from all three perspectives (i.e. industry based, resource based and institution based) and the type of strategy (corporate, business and functional) that your client company is pursuing at present. Typically you may consider using a SWOT analysis to understand areas that you need to closely look at and source related data to build your arguments/analysis using analytical tools relevant to each of the three perspectives in order to work out where does your client company stand in each of those three perspectives. This in turn will provide you a sound analytical base from which to plan your internationalisation process and global expansion. This has to then culminate into recommended strategies for internalisation and global expansion for your client company. References for completing this section include theory from Chapters 1 to 8 of your text in addition to references of reputed academic journals and other reference work.
c. How are you going to internationalise and expand globally? (recommended maximum of 1000 words, excluding tables or diagrams)
This section should identify a chosen Asian market/ geographic area in alignment with the objectives you have stated in the introduction section and provide justification for choice of market. This will be followed by the nuts and bolts of how you are going to do it within a timeframe of 24 months. In the process you will need to draw on key aspects of all three perspectives (industry based, resource based and institution based) that will apply to your client bank in a global context and more specifically in the chosen market. It is recommended that you do not rely on bank annual reports alone but refer country reports from Austrade; business reports by economists, consulting firms such as McKinsey’s Consulting, PWC, Deloitte, KPMG, Ernst & Young, BDO; reports by World Bank and anything that informs you to make a better recommendation. Please ensure that you make a critical appraisal as to relevance of the information/ data prior to using it.
d) Recommendations to your client (recommended maximum of 750 words, excluding tables or diagrams)
Under this section list all your recommendations in a point form with explanations, references to other sections of the report, references to current business reports, country reports etc. and place these within a time line of 24 months. This section should draw on all prior sections and work done by you and clearly demonstrate your team’s ability to make recommendations that will work within the framework of the theory that you are learning in this unit (references
to theory is required in a manner that demonstrates a sound understanding and application of theory). This section should also demonstrate your commitment to global citizenship in the recommendations you make (for example respect and sensitivity to other cultures and the host country).
D. Selecting an Australian Bank to analyse
You are advised to select a home grown Australian bank for this purpose that has zero presence in Asia. It is recommended that you select a bank that is listed on the ASX (Australian Stock Exchange) as this will ensure that you have access to audited and current information about their financial performance.
E. Resources to support your analysis
Main sources of information:
a) Country reports from Austrade;
b) business reports by banks, economists, consulting firms such as McKinsey’s Consulting, PWC, Deloitte, KPMG, Ernst & Young, BDO;
c) World Bank reports (economic and business outlook)
d) FinAnalysis database
e) Dat Analysis
f) The company’s own website (e.g. annual reports)
g) Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) data
h) Newspapers/ Business magazines (both international and Australian)
F. Presentation requirements – How to present the assignment
Your assignment should be in the form of a formal business report to the senior management of your client. A formal written report should have the following features:
a) A cover page with the title of the report and your name and student ID number (or names and IDs of all group members, if applicable)
b) A table of contents
c) Introduction section as explained in section C.
d) Body of the report covering the content in C.
e) Recommendations covering content in C.
f) A list of the references you have cited in your report.
g) Appendices. These should be used sparingly and only include supplemental information that you feel your audience (i.e., client) might find useful, but which is not necessary to an
understanding of your analysis. Appendices must be referred to in the body of your report e.g., “see Appendix 1 for…..”
Note that the cover page, table of content, references and appendices do not need to be covered in the word count but should not exceed 10 per cent above the word count i.e. 400 words.
Other advice:
a) Use headings for each of the main sections to guide the client in reading your report and help structure your report.
b) Use tables and diagrams where appropriate. All tables and diagrams must be numbered, labelled and briefly explained in the text e.g. ‘Table 2 shows the market share and competitive strategies of the main competitors in the industry….’
c) All tables must indicate the source of the data. The source information should be given immediately below the table or diagram or as a footnote.
d) Use a 12 pt print font. The report can be single-spaced with an extra line space between each paragraph.
Word count
Please indicate at the end of your report the total number of words of your report. Please do not exceed the limit of 4000 words. The word count includes all sections of your report excluding the cover page, table of content, references and appendices. Words that are in excess of 4000 words, with the exception of those in the cover page, table of content, references and appendices, will lose 20% marks after normal marking is done. The list of references should be in alphabetical order, consistently presented and comprehensive. If you give a web address for a document, also include the date on which it was accessed. You must accurately cite all key pieces of data used in your report. You must use in text referencing (i.e. the Harvard Style) and draw up a list of references at the end.
G. Submission of your assignment
All written reports are to be submitted online. They are counted as ‘on time’ if submitted by 11:59pm AEST or AEDST on 26th May, 2014.
Other reminders:
1. Remember to name your document as per the instructions provided in the submission area. The usual instruction is to name it as follows: Student id_unit code_assignment. That is:- 123456789_MMM365.doc. If you do your assignment as a member of a group, then the assignment should include the group number and name, which will be provided after you sign on.
2. Please ensure your assignment is in MSWord format (please do not submit PDF documents as they will not be marked).
3. Provide the names and IDs of all group members on the front of your assignment and on the grade form that you are required to attach.
4. Hard copies of your assignment are not required and if submitted will not be marked nor returned. Only online are required. Please do not submit by email either.
5. Extensions of time for submitting the assignment will be granted as per University policy. All such applications have to be submitted online through the student portal along with supporting documentation.
H. Assessment criteria
The total amount of marks for this assignment is 30 and this represents 30% of the total unit marks. Your assignment will be assessed using the criteria shown in the Grade Form provided on Cloud Deakin within the assessments folder. You should refer to these criteria when preparing your assignment and attach the grade form while submitting your assignment. The use of this Grade Form ensures that students’ assignments are marked by the same standards and criteria no matter who marks the assignment. These criteria are given to you in advance so that there are no surprises for you about how your assignment will be marked! If you are unsure about the meaning of any criterion, please seek clarification from the Unit Chair. All assignments will be marked online and the main feedback tool will be the Grade form that will be returned to you along with the marked assignment through Cloud Deakin.

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