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concrete mix design

concrete mix design
Project description
To give you a background of what we are doing, I am going to copy-paste the following:
2. Material
a. The binder must be Type I Portland Cement or a mixture of Type I Portland Cement and Fly Ash. No
other binders are allowed. Chemical admixtures are allowed.
b. All reinforcement is not to be greater than .08 (2.0 mm) in diameter (approx. 12 to 14 gauge). Go
by the diameter of the wire, not the gauge because those are not consistent. Longitudinal
reinforcement should be limited to 8 bars/wires in a cross section. No wire meshes, soldering, or
welding of cages is permitted. (For fabrication of cages, tie wire or glue is permitted). No bundling,
braiding, twisting together, wrapping, or weaving of reinforcement is allowed. Manufactured braided
cable is allowed if the all braided strands together fall within the allowable diameter. Fibers are not
permitted. Prestressing or posttensioning of the reinforcing is allowed. Minimum stirrup spacing is
25 mm if used (see picture below if not sure what a stirrup is)
c. No flat plate type embedments or coverings are allowed (i.e., metal or plastic sheets, etc.)
d. Any type of aggregate may be used, except metal, and must pass through a #4 sieve.
3. Curing and Age of Specimen
a. Curing shall be at atmospheric pressure. The curing temperatures shall not exceed the boiling point of
water. Use of a standard moist curing room is permitted.
b. EPDs must be built in the current semester.
4. Specimen and Testing Configuration
a. EPDs must fit into the slot in a base plate 450 mm long (as shown in the diagram at end of the rules).
The width of your EPD will be governed by the maximum allowable weight.
b. EPD must provide clear passage of a rectangular template measuring 200 mm high by 275 mm wide;
the top surface of the EPD may not be higher at any point than 260 mm above bottom of the base (to
fit into loading frame).
c. There must be at least a 50 mm diameter flat area on top of the EPD at the centerline (where the
loads will impact), which must only be made out of hardened concrete. (Reinforcement in compliance
with Section 2(b) may be used in this area if unexposed.)
d. Maximum mass = 8000 grams (this will impact your width so account for it in design)
e. Modification of entries shall not be permitted once they are submitted for competition
5. Qualification and Testing Procedures
a. Qualification Test
Every EPD entry is individually weighed and checked for size and clearances. Non compliant EPDs
will be given 30 minutes to achieve compliance or be DQd. Report must be submitted at this time.
b. Impact Test
During this phase, each EPD will be subjected to an impact load (approx. 17.3 lbs) falling from
increasing heights. The winning EPD is determined based on the maximum height of drop prior to
failure (as defined below) or the larger number of impact repetitions at maximum height (for EPDs
reaching this load stage). In the event of a tie (for the EPDs that survive the 5 impact load repetitions
at maximum height), the winning EPDs will be determined based on the minimum mass determined at
the beginning of the competition.
c. Failure Criteria
EPD is considered failed when it can clearly no longer take a load and/or cannot stand under its own
weight without external support. If eggs are used (which may not be the case), cracking of the egg
constitutes failure of the EPD. Cracking of the egg can be due to structural damage of the EPD or
spalling of concrete. Note: If due to vibration, the egg is not damaged by the EPD, but instead jumps
out of the eggcup, a new egg will be used and the loading will continue.
Now, what I need you to help me with is the following:
Each team shall provide their EPD along with a minimum 3 page report
containing the following:
a. Geometry of your EPD with reinforcement layout (including photo of reinforcement in the
form prior to or during placing concrete)
b. Explanation of why you chose the geometry and reinforcement layout
c. Details of your concrete mix design quantities of all materials in your mix, strength, and unit
weight (this will require test cylinders) and explanation of your mix design.
d. Batching and placing procedures
e. Casting and curing of the specimen
This is an engineering report of your project. Please make it look professional and well.
I am going to work on part a and b. I need you to do part c, d, and e. I am going to provide you with more information about what I did in the lab. If you are wondering about some detail that I did not provide you can just assume it as long as it goes with my specific design and rules. Thanks

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