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E-Commerce & Marketing

E-Commerce & Marketing
Order Description
Coursework Assignment Brief ( 25%)
Module Title:
E-Commerce & Marketing
BSc (Hons) Oil and Gas Management
Task 1 : An individual assignment consisting of a written report of 1,500 words.
Task 2: A group presentation (15 minute presentation to be delivered by a group of
4 students)
Any special
Report should be submitted on the Student Portal along with an acceptable Turnitin
Report -15% maximum
Word Limit:
Task 1: 1,500 words; (+/- 10%)
Word count in excess of 1,500 will not be graded.
Task 2: Presentation (Maximum of 15 minutes)
Deadline date for
The deadline date for submission of Task 1 ( report) is on 5th December 2014 before
midnight .
The deadline for the group presentation is scheduled on week commencing 1
December 2014 . Presentations will hold during tutorial sessions in weeks 8 and 9
(i.e. week commencing 1st & 8th December 2014).
Learning outcomes to
be examined in this
assessment (please note
that this is not the
assessment task)
. Evaluate strategies of promoting sales of different product types and
services and identify the interrelationship to broaden company strategies.
. Evaluate the extent to which the Internet aids modern working practices.
. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the scope of e-commerce and its
benefits in business and its practical and commercial limitations
Development of knowledge and understanding: detailed knowledge of major
theories and awareness of a range of context and frameworks.
Cognitive/intellectual skills: analyse and compare a range of information;
evaluation of techniques; reformat information towards a given purpose;
application of key elements of a problem and choose methods for their resolution
Key/Transferable skills: group working and interacting in a team; management of
information and develop appropriate research activities; effective communication;
resolution of problems
Practical skills: operate in situations of complexity and apply a wide range of
Percentage of marks
awarded for module:
This assignment is worth 50% of the total marks for the module
(i.e. written individual report – 25%; group presentation – 25%)
Assessment Task:
Task 1: Individual Report (25%) : designing and implementing an online business
You are to identify small but growing online retailer company based in the UK with
a profit of less than £2 million in 2013. As part of your first project , you have been
asked to write a report on the following :
Part A:
How can social media be used as a marketing tool to promote product
awareness ? You are required to identify the planning and implementation issues
the organisation would need to consider to maximize product awareness
Part B:
What are the promotional strategies that you would consider to ensure the
success of the organisation .
Some key aspects to consider are: Will customers benefit from the site? What will
they need? How can the business be organised to respond to the demands that
arise from an online presence? Does the organisation have the right resources,
including staff and skills to implement this?
Assessment criteria for
Task 1
Explanatory comments on the assessment criteria
Maximum marks
for each section
Content, style, relevance
and originality
. Relevant, accurate content, demonstrating research, as
required by the assessment task.
. Clearly identifies the appropriate social media that will
work for the organisation
. Great emphasis will be placed on originality – work that
is clearly student’s own.
Constructive critical
. Demonstrates the ability to analyse social media
strategies used by an organisation and their
appropriateness to that organisation
. Demonstrates that you have consulted widely – using
appropriate sources and examples to substantiate your
. Application of relevant academic models should be
evident but not necessarily explicit.
Overall structure
. Coherent structure, presented in a report format,
utilising headings as appropriate; should include a title
page and clear table of content.
Introduction and
. Clear triangulation of introduction, discussions and
. Introduces issue(s) for further exploration.
Referencing style
. Full in-text referencing using the Harvard citation style.
. Structured reference list or bibliography using the
Harvard referencing method.
Assignment outline
TASK 1 is an individual report and must be presented in a report format (1,500 words). It is important that your report is properly
structured. Also, as this is an academic paper, you should draw on contemporary literature to support your paper. Remember that this
individual report accounts for 25% of your module assessment. Hence, bad performance will have an impact on this module. An
executive summary is required as part of your report.
Your report should include references to the appropriate e-commerce and marketing literature (textbooks, journals and websites). Care
should be taken when consulting websites as they are not all equally authoritative (for example Wikipedia is not peer-reviewed;
therefore is not considered an academic reference website). A minimum of 8 different academic references must be cited, but a well-
researched report is likely to cite many more.
You are advised to keep a backup copy of the report until you receive your grade and regularly back-up your work in the cloud
(OneDrive, iCloud, Dropbox and GoogleDrive are good examples). A disk crash is not an acceptable reason for late submission.
Below is an indicative structure for your report:
Title Page
Table of Contents
A list of all the chapters, sections, headings, and sub-headings. Appendices and Figures should be provided as well as all page numbers as
clearly as possible.
This should show that you have understood the brief and that you will cover everything required.
Findings and Analysis
. This is the substance of your report. The structure will vary depending on the material being presented. Headings and sub-
headings should be used to indicate clearly the different sections.
. Charts, diagrams and tables can be used to reinforce your arguments, although it may be better to include the more complex
ones as an appendix.
This provides an end to your report through a summary of the important points in your discussion. Remember not to include any new
material here.
Reference List / Bibliography
The terms reference list and bibliography are sometimes used interchangeably, but here we define the terms as:
. Bibliography – a list of consulted readings, for example a list of textbook sources, that you have studied while composing your
essay, but not specifically cited in the text
. Reference list – a list of cited sources.
Asssessment Task 2 : Group Presentation ( 25% )
Assessment Task:
Group presentation (25%): PayPal — online payments
When a business wishes to open up a new online selling channel using a website, a major
concern is how customers will pay. Many people visit online retail sites but do not make
purchases because of issues in process and concerns over security problems and potentially
losing money.
People hesitate to give their credit or debit card details because it means typing the
numbers into the computer and sending these details over the web. They feel that not only
can the number be stolen easily, but also that their identity and their cash will be stolen.
PayPal is an online secure payments service that is available for both private individuals and
businesses that wish to buy and sell online. The PayPal website is www.paypal.com.
Presentation task:
Prepare a 10 minute presentation that details:
. how the Paypal system works
. the benefits for an online retailer in using this kind of service
. Alternative payment services that exist online
. what a business could include on a website that might reassure potential customers
about the use of Paypal to safely make payments via your site
To complete the presentation, please ensure you visit the Paypal website as outlined above
and conduct your own further research into secure online payments.
Assessment criteria for Task
Explanatory comments on the assessment criteria
Maximum marks for each
. Relevant, accurate content, demonstrating research,
as required by the assessment task.
Style and Organization
. The structure and cohesion is appropriate.
. Powerpoint content is organised and flows. Content is
logical and effective, background distractions are
Presentation and creativity
. Professionalism, communication, and the ability to
engage with the audience.
. Music and words are loud enough to hear (if utilised);
images are in focus, lighting appropriate; camera work
is steady (if utilised).
Overall Impression
. Presentation attracted and maintained interest of the
TASK 2 is group work. You should refer to your module handbook for details on how to work in a group. You will have the option to
select your group or have your lecturer assign you to a group. Notwithstanding your choice,
group details must be submitted to your lecturer by week 9 of the semester. Note that in the real world, you will hardly ever have to
work alone so you must ensure that you and your group members are able to collectively achieve your goal.
Please note that a single mark will be awarded to the Group.
We seem to live in a PowerPoint world and learners usually enjoy putting together a presentation. Stress that this is a business
presentation, and students should not use overly garish colours and flying animation. It is recommended that you can your PowerPoint
Presentation before you present .Please note students will not be allowed to walk in the class once they presentations have started.

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