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Ebonics: An African-American Language

Ebonics: An African-American Language
Order Description
This is a paper for my university class “Fundamentals of Communication and Culture”, basically “Intercultural Communication”.
My textbook is “Communication Between Cultures”, 8th edition. Authors: Larry Samovar, Richard Porter, Edwin McDaniel, and Carolyn Roy.
Information about my culture: I’m an American, blue collar, 32 year old white woman from a small town in Tennessee. I don’t consider myself “country”, just an all around stereotypical American white woman.
Culture Project Paper:
Purpose: to give students the opportunity to explore one culture and one specific topic related to that culture in-depth, learn how concepts and theories learned in class apply to that specific culture and their own, and what role understanding possible similarities and differences plays in intercultural communication processes.
1. Choose a topic:
a. First, choose one culture to focus on. The culture of your choice has to be different from your own culture, but can either be from outside or inside the U.S. If you have problems deciding whether the group you want to focus on is a culture or not, consider the criteria discussed in chapter 1 (i.e., learned, shared, transmitted from generation to generation, based on symbols, dynamic, an integrated system).
b. Narrow down your topic as follows: Do some research into topics we have discussed in the course as they apply to the culture of your choice. For example, history of culture x, worldview of culture x, family values in culture x, health care beliefs in culture x?
c. Based on the results of your research, choose one of these as topic for your paper. Issues to consider in choosing: (1) your level of interest, (2) the availability of high quality sources, (3) the relate-ability of the material to course concepts and theories, (4) the relate-ability of the same topic applied to your own culture to course concepts and theories (see below on what to include in your paper).
Some example topics: Family values in India, Individualism/Collectivism among the Amish, decision making in Japanese businesses, Chinese medicine, spirituality in a Native American tribe (choose a specific one), Jewish history,?
2. Once your topic is approved, do in-depth research into your topic. Although the final number of high quality sources required to be cited is 4, I strongly recommend you read more than four sources. You can then choose the best rather than scouring less useful sources for snippets to quote or paraphrase.
3. Write a research and analysis paper as follows:
a. Introduction (about 1 paragraph)
b. Information about the specific topic related to the sample list of 4 high quality references you could use for your research.
4. Do in-depth research into your topic. Although the final number of high quality sources required to be cited is 4, I strongly recommend you read more than four sources. You can then choose the best rather than scouring less useful sources for snippets to quote or paraphrase.
5. Write a research and analysis paper as follows:
a. Introduction (about 1 paragraph)
b. Information about the specific topic related to the culture you chose (about 2 pages)
c. An analysis relating the findings of your sub-topic to course concepts and/or theories (min. 5 concept and/or theories). (1 – 2 pages)
d. An analysis relating the same concepts and/or course theories (as in (c)) to yourself and your own culture (1-2 pages)
Note: Be careful not to just assume that ?your culture? means your personal beliefs and values. To back up you arguments in this section, you can use information from the textbook or other quality sources.
e. An analysis of what the similarities and differences between members of the culture you researched (in regard to the aspect you researched) and yourself mean for intercultural communication between you and members of that group. Also address how understanding these similarities and differences can help you improve the quality of the intercultural communication. (1-2 pages)
f. Conclusion (about 1 paragraph))
g. References
6. The final paper is due Dec. 5th. Submit to the submission site for final papers in the culture project folder.
– 6-8 pages (excluding cover page and references)
– APA style for both paper and references
– Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced
– Min. 4 high quality sources
What does ?high quality? mean?
1. Sources have to have an author listed who is arguably an expert in the field. You can judge the author?s expertise by his/her affiliation (university or other reputable organization) as well as by the writing style.
2. Sources have to come with a reference list (i.e., the author has used other credible sources and has cited them)
3. What is never acceptable: .com sources; sources without authors listed; sources without references
4. A maximum of 1 textbook can be included in the list of sources

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