Assignment Requirements
Scenario plan: Working together through a scenario planning process (see Watson & Freeman, 2012) the group is required to construct a future scenario using the scenario template. In this section, provide a summary of your future scenario, justifying your predictions based on the literature or other sources. Incorporate your framing questions and key trends / aspects around work that are relevant to your analysis to the future of work (Approx 500 words). (The template & framing questions are included in your appendix.)
Future of work: The literature review and your scenario plan are the key documents that will inform this section. This section should include a summary of the key learning/findings from the literature review, including any controversies. It should clearly respond to the research questions (above) about the future of work. It is recommended that you apply the same topic sub headings in this section that you used in your literature review.
You should identify the areas of change to work in the future and discuss related questions about the effects of these changes. You need to link arguments from the section about the literature and should be able to draw out the key issues in the literature and your other research to assist you to argue and support your thesis on the future of work.
Draw on your analysis from the scenario plan around your chosen context, such as the organisation /industry, effects on employees, corporate strategy, new expressions of employment, trends in society that will impact on work, the way work is done, location, who will do it, how monitoring, performance appraisal and supervision may change. In discussing the proposed trends you will also need to identify current gaps and how these may improve or change in the long term and why.
This section should be drawing on the gap between the current state as described in the literature review and the future state as described in your scenario plan (Approx 1000 words).
Group Expression of Interest :
The Future of Work SLS- Q& A, Poster/Expo presentation
Information for Teams:
Submission: email to facilitator
Bring hard copy to class
This task is designed to assist to develop a concept for entry to the exhibition on organisational change and sustainability. Complete this form about your preliminary exhibition proposal. Download this form in tutorial folder. Your proposal must follow these guidelines and address these questions:
Team Name:____________________
Group member Names
Role in developing FOW SLS, Q & A and presentation
Brief description of exhibition content & sources
o Choose one of the four key themes affecting FOW: .
o Explain in dot points your initial ideas about the theme.
o What aspect of the theme are you interested to look at?
o What sources of information will you use?
o What don’t you know yet and how will you find out
Brief description of exhibition format & challenges
o Do you intend to do a poster presentation or an expo format? (An expo format could include: role-play; newspaper item; web presentation; u-tube video; radio segment; poster; powerpoint presentation, or other)
o In what creative way could you present your views on this issue?
o What challenges do you expect to encounter?
Brief description of group strengths and weaknesses
List a few points concerning how your group will maximize working together to learn from each other, collaborate and share ideas and information, share the workload
List any anticipated problems and how you might address these.
Group Written Assignment: Key Sections
Introduction – 400 words – key ideas & recommendations + table of who did what
Rationale – 200 words – why you chose the theme, major aspects of your FOW & why
Literature Review – 250 words x group members – review literature regarding specific topics
Scenario Planning – 500 words – explain & justify your scenario
Future of Work – 1000 words – your ideas of FOW, drawing on lit review, other readings, A/V resources, etc…
Recommendations – 600 words – what you want done to bring the FOW you want, drawing on literature review, scenario plan & FOW discussions above to identify gaps or issues to be addressed
Conclusion – 300 words – sum up main arguments & team work reflection
Appendices: your Scenario + 2 framing questions
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