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Planning/Operations Medical Mass Causalities

Planning/Operations Medical Mass Causalities
Order Description
DB2 Assignment Checklist
In responding to DB2 insure that you completed the following.
• Review DB1 Assignment Checklist if you have questions on format, etc. Common negative grading issues are addressed in DB1.
• Limit the discussion to addressing only the medical preparation aspects/responses to a potential terrorist event. At a minimum identify, research, and discuss two (2) areas of strengths/weakness concerning your LOCAL community’s emergency response plans/capabilities to address medical disasters. Be specific and provide two (2) reference links to specific government plans, AAR’s, or scholarly data. You may wish to review the AAR’s of significant disasters such 911, the 2010 Haiti earthquake, etc. to make the connection between the type of plans your local community should have established and the nature/scope of these events.
• Discuss the relationship of the LOCAL plans that you cite to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) mission, systems, or structure concerning the medical preparation aspect and responses to a potential terrorist event that would result in significant deaths/injuries as described below. Your post emphasis should be placed on actual data from local plans, official local government web site data, etc. If you live in a small community where no published plans are available, then move your discussion vertically or horizontally to a nearby city, county, or other level of government in your general area in which online references are available. You may also extrapolate data on capabilities from published information by corporations, community agencies, relief agencies, etc. You will have to make a judgment call on what you classify as a weakness.
• Include a minimum of (2) academic/scholarly quality references in your discussion of your initial DB thread/post. The quality references used may be where you locate national plans, national data bases, state level plans, scholarly research papers, official AARs, etc. that you use as a basis of comparison to what you found (or did not find) on the local community level. Course textbook, other textbooks, non-scholarly sources, etc. are not counted for grading purposes. Use of the SLU library research resources is encouraged. Inclusion of working web links to all references used in a post is required. This action provides access to the document you used for your classmates to review and your instructor to verify for grading purposes.
• Also include at least (2) web references located where you found creditable information (either scholarly or official) on the assigned topic as that information pertains specifically to your LOCAL communities plans/situation/circumstances. Thus making a local connection to the assignment. Locating local oriented data containing an academic/scholarly orientation maybe a difficult task. Determine if your community has any type of local formal disaster plans, after action reports from significant events, data bases on emergency preparation, etc. The same points covered in the assignment for national issues. You may not readily find the local information. Again I recommend that you move up the chain to a larger community that is somewhere close to where you live to avoid the lack of information issue. You may especially find that these items are not readily available if your community has not encountered any major terrorist or disaster event on the scale of 911, has absolutely no published/official disaster plan or at least has experienced some type of large scale natural disaster on the scale of Hurricanes Katrina (2005), or Hurricane/Super storm Sandy (2012), or has the misguided approach of not publishing data for “security reasons”, etc. Inclusion of local documentation is in addition to the (2) academic/scholarly references mentioned above, regardless of the assignments general topic.
• My listing of the City of Jacksonville (COJ) plan below is provided as an example of an official local government plan. Your community should have some type of official data that you can use even if it is more of a public domain type data such as a police department web site, a community hospital web site, a state/federal census data, etc. that you can use to extrapolate the needed information. If you cannot find any appropriate local information you should go up a level of government until you locate appropriate data. This assignment does not require you to interview local officials. Historically students who attempted that route have found their efforts to be thwarted and the whole a process more time consuming than productive. Just use what you can find on the web.
• In your post address/discuss those two (2) areas weakness/improvements that you have identified as they relate to your local community’s medical emergency response plans/capabilities. Official government reports, government data bases, industry information, etc. will be graded as being

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