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student satisfaction with campus library quality of service : qatar university case

student satisfaction with campus library quality of service : qatar university case
Order Description
the research will use libqual model which will examine 3 dimensions
service affect, information control and library as a please.
the research will try to find the following :
To identify the least and most important dimensions as perceived by students in the library .
To find out factors influence on the satisfaction of student.
To know the level of satisfaction of Students towards campus library
so please do the following :
2.introduction (strong argument )
3.literature review (only articles not older than 2009)
Relative Influence of the LibQUAL+TM Dimensions on Satisfaction: A Subgroup Analysis
John H. Heinrichs, Thomas Sharkey, and Jeen-Su Lim
This research study investigates the influence of the identified LibQUAL+TM dimensions on various aspects of the user’s satisfaction with the Aca-demic Library at Wayne State University. Multivariate regression analysis results show statistically significant impact of LibQUAL+TM dimensions on user satisfaction. Moderated regression analysis results show the moderating impact of various demographic variables on the relationships between LibQUAL+TM dimensions and user satisfaction. The results of this research can be used to alter resource allocation expenditures to improve user satisfaction.
he changing focus of today’s library requires greater un-derstanding and responsive-ness to the needs of customers or users. As Valerie Ziethaml, A. Para-suraman, and Leonard L. Berry stated, “Only customers judge quality, all other judgments are irrelevant.”‘ To increase understanding and responsiveness by libraries, new assessment survey instru-ments are being developed and tested. LibQUAL+TM is one of those instruments that was approved by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) as a member-ship-centered effort. LibQUAL+TM is used to determine user satisfaction with overall quality of service, satisfaction with treatment by library personnel, and satisfaction with learning, research, and teaching needs being addressed? Using the findings from this survey instrument,
many research libraries can identify user needs and develop appropriate methods to respond to them and thereby develop a strong constituency for the library. To fully understand and utilize the LibQUAL+TM information, research libraries require detailed analysis and insight generation. One method for exploring these data is subgroup analysis, which may be useful in understanding the needs of the differ-ent constituent groups. This article pres-ents such analysis of the LibQUAL+TM data by evaluating the relative influence of each of the four dimensions on the three identified components of user sat-isfaction. In addition, this study evaluates whether the relationship between these four dimensions and user satisfaction varies by various user characteristics including electronic usage, library usage, gender, and academic group.
John H. Heinrichs is an Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science at Wayne State University; e-mail: ai2824@wayne.edu. Thomas Sharkey is an Associate Professor of Management; e-mail: tsharke@utnet. utoledo.edu, and Jeen-Su Lim is Professor of Marketing and e-Commerce; e-mail: jlim@utoledo.edu, both at The University of Toledo.
Exploring the Usefulness of LIBQUAL + Model for Maintaining the Quality and Excellence in Library Services: A Case Study of IMCC (Pune) and IIM (Bangalore)
Dr. Meenal Oak Librarian, IMCC, Pune meenalimcc@yahoo.co.in
Dr. S. K. Patil, Prof. & Head, Dept. of LIS University of Pune (India) skpatil@unipune.emet.in
During the present era, library user’s expectations are changing or rather increasing day by day. Library is a service organization and the basic objective is to satisfy the needs of the clientele. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to identify and measure the gaps between expected service and perceived service in various dimensions of library service in a management institute at IMCC (Institute of Management and Career Courses). The findings of the study were compared with the customers’ perceptions of quality of library services from a cross section of users from IIMB (Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore) for the purpose of benchmarking.
The present study is conducted to find out the gaps between the customers’ perceptions regarding quality of library service in IMCC (state level library) using the LIBQUAL+ technique. A survey research method followed by simple random sampling method is used for collection of user responses. The study was conducted in 3 phases. In the first phase data collection from the users of IMCC library was obtained for getting customers’ perception. The second phase was related to data collection from IIMB for obtaining customers’ perceptions on quality of library services.
The results of the study show that there is a gap in customers’ perception of quality of library services against their expectations.
The recommendations suggested in the above study needs application for getting the fruitful results.
Keywords: IMCC; IIMB; User expectations; User perception; Quality library services; Libqual+ model
Libraries are the entities which need constant up gradations to be able to meet the growing demands of their users. In the present era, for the library development, libraries are required to use the technological advancements for effective storage, processing and dissemination of information by keeping user at the centre stage.
Asia Pacific Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol.1, No.1, January-June 2011
We are committed to improving your library services. Better understanding your expectations will help us tailor those services to your needs.
We are conducting this survey to measure library service quality and identify best practices through the Association of Research Libraries’ LibQUAL+TM program. Partial funding for this project is provided by the U.S. Department of Education’s Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE).
Please answer all items. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. Thank you for your participation!
Copyright: © 2003 by the Association Research Libraries

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