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Successful Marketing Launch of a new product / service

Successful Marketing Launch of a new product / service
Notes for Students:
Assessment Rationale
This assignment has been designed to help students to gain an understanding of the key issues in marketing and appreciate how they are applied. Specifically, the students will gain understanding of the following academic principles MACRO issues, STP, Marketing Mix (particular emphasis will be placed on how marketing principles are applied to the launch of a new product / service) and the role of Branding in influencing consumer preference for a new product / service.
To ensure that students are pursuing academic activities, in line with the learning outcomes of the module, an emphasis is placed on reviewing academic material. Consequently, each student is required to review and discuss, a MINIMUM of TWO academic journal papers (from Emerald Insight) and TWO book references, key issues related to HOW A COMPANY APPLIED THE MARKETING MIX CONCEPT when they launched a new product / service. Students are encouraged to select a UK / Global company that launched a new product/service in the last 5 years. You are required to select only one company and one product OR service, from that company, and discuss how the company applied the marketing mix when they launched a new product or service.  The word limit for the written part of the assignment is 2000 words (+/-10%).
Foundation for Marketing: Successful Marketing Launch of a new product / service assignment
You are required to review a MINIMUM of TWO academic journal papers (from Emerald Insight) and TWO book references and discuss how each of the categories of the marketing mix and other marketing elements are applied to successfully launch a new product or service.
The assessment is in two parts; a Poster Submission (30%) and an Individual Report (70%).
Poster Submission (30%)
Your poster should include:
1.    A review of the company’s target customer profile for its product / service
2.    An outline of the key Macro factors influencing the company
3.    Examples of how your selected company applied the Marketing Mix (4P’s) to launch their new product / service.
Poster Size: The poster should be submitted in A3 size.
Report (70%)
Part 1 (35%) approx. 1000 words (Theoretical Review of Marketing)
Identify key themes in the academic literature on how marketing is successfully applied to launch a new product / service.
In this section students are required to review at least TWO academic journal articles and TWO books on how various aspects of the marketing mix and other areas of marketing contribute to the successful launch of a new product.
Please Note: Reviewing only the minimum number of articles / books is likely result in a lower mark.
The tasks that you need to undertake in this part of your report include:
•    Compare and contrast digital and traditional communication in launching a new product / service
•    Identify the role of each category of the marketing mix in helping a company successfully launch a new product / service
Part 2 (30%) approx. 1000 words (Marketing Application by the Company)
How was Marketing applied, by your selected company, to successfully launch their new product / service.
In this section students are encouraged to address the following:
•    Discussion on who is the key target group of customers for the company’s new product / service
•    Examples of how your selected company applied the Marketing Mix when launching their new product / service
•    THREE recommendations on how marketing can be successfully applied to launch a new product /service.
Presentation of report (5%)
Five Marks are allocated for presentation of the report. This includes ensuring that the report does not have any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and all citations are correctly referenced using the Harvard system.
Submission of Report
Students must submit a hard (printed) copy of the assignment as well as an electronic format attached (in the form of a CD or USB stick/pen) to the Marketing ADMIN office (RB 465).
Students will also be required to submit their work into TURNITIN.
The report must highlight both the academic and practical application of marketing concepts. This report should contain clear and appropriate references to relevant theory and concepts – use of the Harvard referencing system is compulsory.
This report can be up to 2000 words in length (plus/minus 10%) excluding the reference list and any appendices (maximum 2 appendices). Any work exceeding this length will not be included in the mark. Appendices should only be used to support what is in the report and not be considered as a way of reducing the word count.
Please note students are encouraged to read a wide range of academic and practitioner publications to gain a richer and deeper understanding of marketing principles. A prudent investment in reading will pay dividends in helping produce a well-informed piece of academic work.
Hand-in date and Location
Hand-in date: Thursday 18th December, 2014 at 12pm (Midday)
Hand-in location: Rose Bowl Reception, RB 465
Submission of Report
Students must submit a hard (printed) copy of the assignment as well as an electronic format attached (in the form of CD or USB stick/pen) to the report.
Seminar Tutors:
Dr. Aftab Dean and FfM team:
Module Leader    Dr Aftab Dean
Module Tutors    Gareth Williams    Joanna Moon
Robert Mutungamiri    Paul Rhodes
Shannen Li
Marking Criteria for Poster Submission:
Poster design, layout, presentation:
Creativity and visual appeal; use of text, charts, graphs, images
Layout (presentation); simple (e.g. flow diagram) through to complex (e.g. mind-map approach)
Message appropriately communicated and conveyed.
Theories, Concepts, Models & Frameworks:
Academic underpinning; appropriate use of relevant marketing theories, concepts, models and frameworks
Integration of practice based examples with theory:
Appropriate and relevant use of practice based examples to illustrate points from theories.
Format & Presentation (Writing & Referencing):
Text is free from spelling, punctuation and grammar (SP&G) errors. Sources are correctly referenced using the Harvard format, both within the text and in the bibliography
The total mark of 100, for the Poster Submission, is weighted by 30% to calculate the final mark the student gains for the Poster.
Foundation for Marketing Poster Marking Grid.                  Student (name and Student ID number):
70% plus
69% – 60%
59% – 50%
49% – 40%
39% – 20% FAIL
Below 20% FAIL
Poster design, layout, presentation:
Creativity and visual appeal; use of text, charts, graphs, images, objects
Layout (presentation); simple (e.g. flow diagram) through to complex (e.g. scattergun approach)
Message appropriately communicated and conveyed.
Evidences an excellent understanding of poster design, layout and presentation.
Evidences a good understanding of poster design, layout and presentation.
Evidences a reasonable understanding of poster design, layout and presentation.
Evidences a limited understanding of poster design, layout and presentation.
Lacks sufficient understanding of poster design, layout and presentation.
Fails to evidence an understanding of poster design, layout and presentation.
Theories, Concepts, Models & Frameworks:
Academic underpinning; appropriate use of relevant marketing theories, concepts, models and frameworks.
Evidences an excellent understanding of relevant theories, concepts, models and frameworks; shows depth, objectivity and analysis.
Evidences a good understanding of relevant theories, concepts, models and frameworks.
Evidences a reasonable understanding of relevant theories, concepts, models and frameworks; issues tend not to be fully explored.
Evidences a limited understanding of relevant theories, concepts, models and frameworks; descriptive only, lacks depth and/or lacks objectivity.
Lacks sufficient understanding of relevant theories, concepts, models and frameworks; highly descriptive or highly subjective.
Fails to evidence an understanding of the relevant theories, concepts, models and frameworks.
Synthesis and integration of practice based examples with theory:
Appropriate and relevant use of practice based examples to illustrate points from theories and issues for discussion.
Evidences an excellent synthesis and integration of practice based examples with theory.
Evidences a good synthesis and integration of practice based examples with theory.
Evidences a reasonable synthesis and integration of practice based examples with theory.
Evidences a limited synthesis and integration of practice based examples with theory.
Lacks sufficient synthesis and integration of practice based examples with theory.
Fails to provide synthesis or integration of practice based examples with theory.
Format & Presentation (Writing & Referencing):
Text is free of spelling, punctuation and grammar (SP&G) errors. Sources are correctly referenced using the Harvard format, both within the text and in the bibliography. (10%)
A mature and fluent style of writing with minimal SP&G errors. Excellent use of Harvard Referencing.
Some mature and fluent writing but with some repeated SP&G errors. Good attempt at using Harvard Referencing but with some minor errors.
Some room for improvement with writing; a number of repeated SP&G errors. Reasonable attempt at using Harvard Referencing but with some room for improvement.
Evidences only a basic level of writing with room for improvement; contains many SP&G errors. Referencing has been attempted but is not in Harvard format.
Evidences a poor level of writing with much room for improvement; many basic SP&G errors. Referencing has not been attempted or is inadequate.
Evidences an inadequate level of writing; full of basic SP&G errors. No attempt has been made to reference.
Area to be examined    Weighted marks
•    Compare digital and traditional communications in launching a new product / service
•    Identify the role of each category of the marketing mix in helping a company successfully launch a new product / service       35
•    Discussion on who is the key target group of customers for the company’s new product / service
•    Examples of how your selected company applied the Marketing Mix when launching their new product / service
•    THREE recommendations on how marketing can be successfully applied to launch a new product /service.
Presentation Style (structure, free from grammar and spelling errors, is presented within the allocated time frame, etc.)
Foundation for Marketing     (marking scheme for Report)                                                               Student:
70% plus
69% – 60%
59% – 50%
49% – 40%
39% – 20% FAIL
Below 20% FAIL
Comparison of Digital and Online Communication tools.
Discussion of the changes being undertaken within Marketing Communications.
Excellent review of the application of Marketing Communications tools. Clear discussion of the changes in customer interaction and conclusions made.
Good review and application of Marketing Communications.
Relevant discussion of the changes in customer interaction with some conclusions made.
Reasonable review of the concepts and application of Marketing Communications.
Relevant discussion of the changes in customer interaction however no appropriate conclusion.
Limited review of the concepts and application of Marketing Communication s.
Some discussion of the changes in customer interaction.
Poor review of the concepts and application of Marketing Communications.
Limited discussion of the changes in customer interaction.
Very poor review of the concepts and application of Marketing Communication s.
Little or no discussion of the changes in customer interaction.
Application of Marketing Mix to launch a new product / service
30    Excellent discussion of how the Marketing Mix  is being applied to launch a new product / service.
Detailed discussion of recommendations to improve the company’s  application of Marketing to launch a new product / service    Good discussion of how the Marketing Mix  is being applied to launch a new product / service.
Report would benefit from further detail and discussion of recommendations.    Reasonable discussion of how the Marketing Mix  is being applied to launch a new product / service.
More detail required on each recommendation.    Limited discussion of how the Marketing Mix  is being applied to launch a new product / service.
Limited proposed  recommendations.     Poor discussion of how the Marketing Mix  is being applied to launch a new product / service
and recommendations.     Very poor discussion of how the Marketing Mix  is being applied to launch a new product / service. and  recommendations.
Referencing and Writing:
Demonstrate a mature writing style and produce a text that is free of spelling, punctuation and grammar (SP&G) errors. Sources are correctly references using Harvard system
5    Professional presentation. The report is easy to follow. Well written.  Evidence of substantial further reading which is referenced correctly.    Generally well presented and easy to follow. Spelling / grammar generally good. Evidence of significant further reading which is referenced correctly.    Reasonably well presented throughout.  Few, if any, grammatical/spelling mistakes. Reasonable bibliography and adequate referencing but room for improvement.    Limited effort regarding  presentation / formatting. Occasionally hard to follow in places. Poor spelling/grammar. Limited references, poor referencing in places.    Little or no effort in presentation/formatting. Frequent spelling/grammatical errors; Little or no evidence of further reading. Work inappropriately referenced.    Very poorly written report. Little evidence of contemporary literature review. Work inappropriately referenced.
Date generic feedback will be available:
4 weeks after submission
How generic feedback will be returned to you:    Admin
Date provisional mark will be available
How provisional marks will be returned to you:    Admin
Date individual feedback will available
4 weeks after submission
How individual feedback will be returned to you:    Admin

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