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Article summary

Article summary
http://www.ecologyandsociety.orgBooher, D.E., & Innes, J.E. (2010). Governance for resilience: CALFED as a complex adaptive network for resource management. Ecology and Society 15(3): 35. http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol15/iss3/art35
Exercise 1.1 Strategic Planning Exercise
Personal/Professional Goals and Objectives (Do this first part if you plan on creating a proposal for an entity other than the Wildcat Wellness Center).
Complete the following strategic planning exercise for the nonprofit organization with which you plan to work. We will begin this exercise with having you articulate your own goals within the organization. What do you want to do and how do you see yourself fitting into the organization? Are your objectives and expectations in line with the organization’s goals and objectives?
Your position in the organization:
As a new member of the organization, I will be an active member who is involved in the activities of the group to spearhead the visions of the group to next levels. As a member of the movement, I will be on the front line to speak and move the agenda of the Students Wellness Center to all the nations so that students don’t suffer in ignorance and prejudices but be enlightened through the activities of the group.
Your personal/professional goals in regard to the organization:
To see a better generation of people and youths who are responsible and lead their lives well without follow up, a people who are geared towards their dreams and cannot be wavered by the circumstances on their way to forego their purposes in life.
To produce a better society by affecting their lives positively especially the lives of the young people who are susceptible and vulnerable to peer influence.
To create awareness through public campaigns on the dangers of the social evils in the society such as drug and substance abuse, violence, and sexual misbehavior.
Your objectives in regard to the organization:
Create awareness on the effects and dangers of premarital sex, violence and drug abuse.
Promote healthy living among the different students from different background in schools and colleges.
To be an active participant in the group and affect positively as many students as possible.
To help foster good relationship between the group and the students and hence it becomes easier for them to open up their problems for counseling.
The Organization’s Strategic Plan
What are your organization’s goals and objectives to fulfill its mission? State the mission and overall goals for your organization. Then consider the objectives required by your organization to meet each of the goals. Remember, the mission is usually only one sentence long. The goals are usually limited to one to three one-sentence goal statements. Each goal usually has two to five objectives. Objectives should be measurable. Your organization’s objectives may be still pretty general, but when you write your proposal, you will have to make sure that your objectives meet a number of criteria that we will specify later in the quarter. Therefore, it is good to start thinking about the differences between goals and objectives.
Name of the organization:Students Wellness Center
Mission of the organization:To promote positive health behaviors, prevent negative consequences associated with high-risk behavior, and encourage the social connections that support student success.
Goals of the organization:
The organization is committed to providing a comprehensive program for both individuals and the environment and deduces approaches to reduce the negative consequences associated with abuse and misuse of alcohol, and other substances.
The organization looks forward to giving exemplary personal violence prevention, education and quick response services for any occurrences.
Promote positive health mentally, physically and emotionally for better living and peace in schools.
Provide general education and knowledge on the activities that promote positive health behaviors among the students.
Objectives of the organization:
Fight negative consequences associated with misuse of alcohol and other substances.
Provision of violence prevention, education and quick response towards any unethical happening like violence.
Promote healthy living by dealing with emotional problems like committing suicide.
Enlightening and emancipating the public on violence, drugs and sexual health.
Organizational Characteristics
What are the characteristics that demonstrate your organization’s ability to fulfill its mission? Reflect on those characteristics, such as leadership, staff, expertise, assets and financial resources that your organization possesses. List these characteristics in order of importance and discuss their relevance to achieving the organization’s mission.
Leadership and management:
Goal- oriented
As a leader, the factors above have to be considered for a well-led organization. The leadership and management ought to speak the organization’s mission that should be the driving force for better performance
Staff, volunteers, technical experts:
Promotion of teamwork; support of the efforts of the individual members of the organization towards achieving the set targets of the company.
Physical assets:
Responsibility; we are geared towards protecting the environment where our future and the future of the coming generation lies.
Financial resources:
Accountability and transparency; any employee dealing with the finances of the organization must have an inborn virtue; transparency. The tranquility in the operations of the organization in terms of financial management will even make the public have trust in their operations.
Recognition: (the reputation of your organization) Are you known in your region? Nationally? What noteworthy achievements has your organization accomplished?
For the past decades, Students Wellness Center has received recognition and acknowledgement within the university, regionally and nation-wide. The activities that we carry out as we counsel and speak to the students have made our organization known in the public spheres.
Organizational Strengths or Advantages
What are the greatest strengths of your organization? List them in descending order of importance.
1.Experienced staff from their fields of specialization
2. Non-profit organization, therefore, no fee charged for any activity.
3.Wide coverage awareness because of the social marketing of the organization.
4.It is a life changing organization evidenced from the annual reports.
5.Peace promotion through the violence prevention activities.
Organizational Problems or Weaknesses
What are the major problems, difficulties or obstacles that your organization faces? List them indescending order of importance. Every organization has difficulties or problems. To solve these you haveto identify them and view them as opportunities to make the organization better by overcoming them. (Itis often from this list that ideas for proposals emerge.)
1.Financial constraints that cripple the activities of the organization.
2.Difficulties in public campaigns and awareness programs
3.Limited staff since not everyone wants to volunteer.
4.Inadequate resources like materials in carrying out the activities of the organization.
5.Challenge of increased organized crimes that are difficult to handle and detect.
Proposed Organizational Activities
What activities or projects could your organization undertake to capitalize on its strengths and/or
overcome some of its weaknesses? (In many cases one of these activities will become your projectidea that you will be seeking funding for and writing a proposal about.) Note that proposal topics often emerge from a desire to overcome some organizational weakness, which will better enable theorganization to meet its goals and mission and serve its target population. Often project ideas come fromlooking at the problems the organization’s stakeholders or constituents have. Designing a project can help to solve these problems. You will want to design a project that is within the scope of the organization’smission and objectives.
Project idea 1:Create a systems that that are rapid and incorporate the students, administration and the local people at large to combat crimes and violence activities that happen behind scenes.
Project idea 2:Begin income generating activities and projects that will help boost the finances of the organization in order to curb insufficiency in funds.
Project idea 3: Increase awareness through campaigns over the social media on the importance of volunteer activities to support other people and be of help to their lives.
For which of these ideas do you want to find funding? Make this decision in consultation withpeople from your organization. This is the idea that you will use as the basis for your need statement and for your proposal for the course.
I would love funding of the project 2. Engage in economic activity that can generate income for the organization to reduce dependency on funds from other established bodies.

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