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Compare and Contrast Short Papers

Compare and Contrast Short Papers
Follow these instructions very carefully: The C&C papers are to be typed, double spaced, 12 points font, 1 inch margins, and not to exceed 3 pages in length, and are based upon the assigned primary documents. You will have to compare the two documents attached (17-5 and 17-7)I will also attach a pdf copy of the chapter related to this assignment that you need to get examples from.
Need to write an analytical essay that addresses the following:
1. Why are these documents group together? Identify the strongest unifying themes between the two documents and the sharpest differences. How are the arguments of the authors significantly similar, different, or otherwise connected?
2. Contextualize the documents. Explain what the documents reveal about the time during which they were written. What do we learn about the society, politics, and culture from the assigned documents? What do we learn about the hopes, fears, visions, and frustrations of those who experienced the era?
3. Critique the documents. What is the value of these documents to us today? What is the purpose of the authors and who is their intended audience? Identify and describe any inaccuracies, prejudices, exaggerations, and significantly misleading statements in the document.
Write a clear and coherent essay that addresses these questions in the flow of the narrative. Papers should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should establish a context for understanding what will follow, and should also include a clear thesis (central argument) that responds to the questions and serves to unify and direct the paper. The body will provide the evidence and examples needed to adequately support your thesis while addressing the various aspects of the essay prompt. The conclusion can be constructed in a variety of ways: it may be a brief summary of the main points of your essay; it may also be a restatement of your thesis; or it may demonstrate the historical significance of the issue at hand and your analysis of it.
When providing examples and drawing information from the reading, students must provide parenthetical citation—eg. authors’ last name followed by page number: (Beverly, p. 3), or (Faragher, p. 467). Students will want to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the document material, but will need to be concise so as to not exceed 3 pages. Only the assigned primary documents and class textbook should be used for this assignment. No other source can be accepted.
17-5 Helen Hunt Jackson, from A Century of Dishonor (1881)
Helen Hunt Jackson is A Century of Dishonor brought national attention to the_ plight of Native Americans
when it was published in 1881. Jackson, a Massachusettsvzative who had traveled to California, describes
in particular the plight of the Califomia Indians, who had seen 90 percent of their population die from war
and disease in the years after the gold rush.
There are within the limits of the United States between two hundred and fifty and three
I . hundred thousand Indians, exclusive of those in Alaska. The names of the different tribes
and bands, as entered in the statistical table so the Indian Office Reports, number nearly
three hundred. One of the most careful estimates which have been made of their numbers
and localities gives them as follows: “In Minnesota and States east of the Mississippi, about
32,500; in Nebraska, Kansas, and the Indian Territory, 70,650; in the Territories of Dakota,
Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho, 65,000; in Nevada and the Territories of Colorado, New
Mexico, Utah, and Arizona, 84,000; and on the Pacific slope, 48,000.”
Of these, 130,000 are self-supporting on their own reservations, “receiving nothing
from the Government except interest on their own moneys, or annuities granted them in
‘i . consideration of the cession of their lands to the United States.”
Of the remainder, 84,000 are partially supported by the Governrnent-the
interest money due them and their annuities, as provided by treaty, being inadequate to their
subsistence on the reservations where they are confined.
There are about 55,000 who never visit an agency, over whom the Government does
not pretend to have either control or care. These 55,000 “subsist by hunting, fishing, on
roots, nuts, berries, etc., and by begging and stealing”; and this also seems to dispose of the
accusation that the Indian will not “work for a living.” There remains asmall portion, about
31,000, that are entirely subsisted by the Government.
There is not among these three hundred bands of Indians one which has not
suffered cruelly at the hands either of the Government or of white settlers. The poorer, the
more insignificant, the more helpless the band, the more certain the cruelty and outrage to
which they have been subjected. This is especially true of the bands on the Pacific slope.
H These Indians found themselves of a sudden surrounded by and caught up in the great influx
of gold-seeking settlers, as helpless creatures on a shore are caught up in a tidal wave. There
was not time for the Government to make treaties; noteven time for communities to make
laws. The tale of the wrongs, the oppressions, the murders of the Pacific-slope Indians in the
last thirty years would be a volume by itself, and is too monstrous to be believed.
It makes little difference, however, where one opens the record of the history of the
Indians; every page and every year has its dark stain. The story of one tribe is the story of all,
varied only differences of time and place; but neither time nor place makes any difference in
the main facts. Colorado is as greedy and unjust in 1880 as was Georgia in 1830, and Ohio in
1795; and the United States Government breaks promises now as deftly as then, and with an
added ingenuity from long practice.
One of its strongest supports in so doing is the wide-spread sentiment among the
people of dislike to the Indian, of impatience with his presence as a “barrier to civilization”
and distrust of it as a possible danger. The old tales of the frontier life, with its horrors of
Indian warfare, have gradually, by two or three generations’ telling, produced in the average
mind something like an hereditary instinct of questioning and unreasoning aversion which it
is almost impossible to dislodge or soften.

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