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mental health nursing

mental health nursing
Order Description
Faculty of Health and Social Care
Level 4
Table of Contents
1. Module Details 3
2. Short Description 3
3. Aims of the Module 3
4. Learning Outcomes 3
4.1 Knowledge and Understanding 3
4.2 Intellectual Skills 3
4.3 Practical Skills 4
4.4 Transferable Skills 4
5. Assessment of the Module 4
6. Feedback 5
7. Introduction to Studying the Module 5
7.1 Overview of the Main Content 5
7.2 Overview of Types of Classes 6
7.3 Importance of Student Self-Managed Learning Time 6
7.4 Employability 6
8. The Programme of Teaching, Learning and Assessment 6
9. Student Evaluation 7
10. Learning Resources 7
10.1 Core Materials 7
10.2 Optional Materials 7
Module Title: Theories and Practice for Mental Health Nursing
Module Level: 4
Module Reference Number:
Credit Value: 20 credit points
Student Study Hours: 200
Contact Hours: 30 classroom contact hours
20 blended learning
Private Study Hours: 150
Pre-requisite Learning (If applicable): n/a
Co-requisite Modules (If applicable): n/a
Course(s): BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing
Year and Semester Year 1 Semester 1
Module Coordinator:
MC Contact Details (Tel, Email, Room)
Teaching Team & Contact Details
(If applicable):
Subject Area: Mental Health Nursing
Summary of Assessment Method: 3000 word essay
External Examiner appointed for module:
This module will orientate students to current mental health practice and theories. Underpinned by legal, professional and ethical frameworks an exploration of a number of continuum will enhance the students understanding of health, wellness and individual coping strategies.
This module aims to:
• Introduce contemporary mental health practice and some key foundation concepts for the three year programme.
• Establish a clear professional identity
• Raise awareness of mental health and well-being.
4.1 Knowledge and Understanding
• Identify and explore the key requirements of the mental health nurse
• Explore reflective processes as applied to mental health nursing
• Explore their own attitudes and values in relation to mental health and illness
• Identify the key elements of the recovery approach to mental health care
4.2 Intellectual Skills
• Begin to develop reflective thinking to enhance their own understanding of self and others
• Demonstrate the ability to start to think critically, to seek, access and consider a range of materials to enhance learning
• Begin to demonstrate an ability to link knowledge and theory to practice in a practical and realistic manner
4.3 Practical Skills
• Develop and practice skills in self-awareness in order to identify personal strengths and weaknesses
• Practice a range of verbal and nonverbal communication skills
4.4 Transferable Skills
• Effectively apply IT skills to access electronic database in searching for evidence based studies relating to the role, skills and knowledge of the mental health nurse
• Presentation skills
• Documentation and report writing
Formative Assessment:
An article will be provided for students to read. This will be the subject of a short written piece in which students will: –
a) Summarise the article – who wrote it, what are their credentials, what was the article about, what findings were presented and/or what suggestions to change practice were made?
b) Reflect on what they learned from the article and how it might influence their own practice in the future
Summative Assessment
Annotated bibliography
Choosing two articles from a given choice of three, undertake an annotated bibliography. 3000 words
(Pass mark 40% 100% weighting)
Assessment Guidelines
1. Choose the 2 articles that you would like to use, and read them thoroughly.
2. Decide which one you will discuss first. Cite the article that you will be discussion first, i.e. give the full reference for it using the Harvard System.
3.Discuss the article including:
a) A summary of the main theme (what was it about?)
b) The authority of the author (s) (who wrote it and why would we trust their opinion?)
c) The methods used in collecting information if applicable (were they robust, fair methods?)
d) Who the intended audience is (mental health professionals, carers, professionals from other fields or a combination of people?)
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the second article that you have chosen
5. Compare the 2 articles. You may wish to consider:
a) Which author(s) you think had more credibility
b) Which methods of data collection were more robust/fair etc
c) Which article is most useful to the field of mental health nursing
6. Reflect upon and discuss your own feelings and responses to the articles. You may wish to consider:
a) Which article you preferred and why
b) What feelings you had when reading the article, and why you felt that way
c) Which article you think will influence practice in general most and why
d) How the articles might affect your personal practice and why
7. Conclude by discussing what was useful about doing the annotated bibliography and reflective exercise, what you found challenging, and how it might help you in the future.
The Harvard system of referencing is the approved style of referencing at LSBU. This should be used throughout the text and you should provide a reference list of any references cited in the essay, at the end of the assignment.
The finished assignment will be 3000(+/-10%) words.
Pass Mark: 40% and will constitute 100% weighting.
Preparation for the module assignment will be timetabled.
The criteria for level 4 marking are included in your course guide. Work will be marked using an electronic marking grid which uses these criteria
Submission Date: January 14, 2015
Submission Route: via Moodle
Submission File Format
Microsoft Word document only. The file must be saved using candidate number e.g. 12345678.docx
Document Layout: Please ensure that your paper includes:
• Front page including your student number and word count
• Double- line spacing
• Size 12 font
• A margin of at least 2.54cm on all sides of A4 paper
• Candidate number as header on all pages
• Page number as footer on all pages
Please note that only one electronic file can be submitted so all appendices, reference lists, front page etc. must be merged into a single electronic file. If merging documents is problematic, help can be obtained from the learning resource unit.
6.1 Overview of the Main Content
Mental Health Provision
• A brief history – the evolving role of the mental health nurse
• Professional, legal and ethical frameworks in mental health care provision
• Collaborative approaches to care (inter agency/professional, service user, carer, family)
Developing the Skills of Reflection and Self Awareness
• Introduction to reflective theories and models
• Developing the skills of self awareness (identifying personal strengths and weaknesses)
• Understanding personal stress, developing coping mechanisms
Wellbeing and Health Promotion
• Focus on holistic approaches to health and wellbeing in order to promote strengths and ability in self and others
• Within a recovery framework; develop the skills of collaboration and the promotion of autonomy and responsibility in mental health care delivery.
6.2 Importance of Student Self-Managed Learning Time
Students are expected to spend 150 hours in self-directed study, using the resources indicated in this document, in order to successfully complete the module
6.3 Employability
This module provides the foundation for the mental health nurse to understand their specific role within a complex and evolving health care arena
This timetable is provisional and open to alteration
Date Room SW Room HV AM 9 – 12 PM 1 – 3
24/9/14 T-214
V HW-108
V Introduction to module
Understanding mental health History of mental health provision and evolving role of mental health nurses
1/10/14 Professional self-regulation Legal and ethical frameworks for mental health nursing
8/10/14 Professional tools – self awareness and reflective practice Professional tools – the biopsychosocial model
15/10/14 Recovery framework Risk issues
22/10/14 Putting it all together – care planning workshop
29/10/14 Assignment tutorial Module evaluation
Students evaluated the module well. They found it interesting and informative and gave a good insight into mental health nursing. Outside speakers, particularly the service users, were particularly appreciated. No changes were suggested by students for this run of the module.
9.1 Core Materials
Barker P. (2009) Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing –The craft of caring (2nd ed) London: Taylor & Francis
Barker, P. & Buchanan-Marker, P. (2005) The Tidal Model London: Routledge
Foster, J. L. H. (2007) Journeys Through Mental Illness, London: Palgrave Macmillan
Norman, I. & Ryrie, I. (2013) The Art and Science of Mental Health
Nursing, A Textbook of Principles and Practice (3rd ed) Milton Keynes: Open University Press
Repper, J.& Perkins, R. (2003) Social Inclusion and Recovery London: Bailliere Tindall
9.2 Optional Materials
Barry, M. M. Jenkins, R. (2007) Implementing Mental Health Promotion. London: Churchill Livingstone (Elsevier)
Bartlett, P. Sandland, R. (2014 ) Mental Health Law: policy and practice (4th ed) Oxford: Oxford University Press
Currid, T. & Pennington, J. (2010) Therapeutic Use of Self British Journal of Wellbeing, v1, No.3
Lester, H. & Glasby, J. (2010) Mental Health Policy and Practice (2nd edn). London: Palgrave
Newell,R. & Gournay, K. (2007) Mental Health Nursing: An Evidence Based Approach London: Churchill Livingstone
Rogers, A. & Pilgrim, D. (2010) A Sociology of Mental Health and Illness (4th ed), London: McGraw Hill
Sayces, L. (2000) From Psychiatric Patient to Citizen: Overcoming Discrimination and Social Exclusion Basingstoke: Macmillan Press
Tummey, R. & Turner, T. (2008) Critical Issues in Mental Health London: Palgrave
Department of Health: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/index.htm
Mental Health Foundation http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/
Centre for Mental Health: http://www.centreformentalhealth.org.uk/
National Mental Health Development Unit http://www.nmhdu.org.uk/
Nursing and Midwifery Council http://www.nmc-uk.org/

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