GOVERNMENT 2305-6309
Course Title: US Term and Year: Spring 2017
Course Subject: 2306
Course Section: Government Class Days & Times:
Every other Sunday:
Credit Hours: 3
Class Room Location: UP13.405
Instructor: Phone:
Office: Office Hours: By appointment
This class will examine the origin and development of the Texas constitution, structure and
powers of state and local government, federalism and inter-governmental relations, political
participation, the election process, public policy, and the political culture of Texas.
Edition, ISBN: 0393936848
Department Chair :
Dean of Math and Science:
A student’s grade will be based on the number of points earned for each assignment, which will
be added together and weighted out of 500 possible points. Students will be administered two exams,
each worth 150 points, and will be assigned one research paper worth 150 points. Fifty points are
available for class participation. Many extra credit opportunities will likely be offered throughout the
year, though whether any extra credit is offered is totally discretionary.
We will cover chapters one through six during the first half of the course. Test One will be
administered on March 5
, 2017and will cover only these chapters. We will cover chapters seven
through thirteen during the first half of the course. Test Two, the final exam, will be administered on
May 14
, 2017.The term paper will be due on April 2
, 2017, and the paper’s topic must be approved
by February 5
, 2017.
Students are expected to have read between two and three chapters per class. For the First day of
class, we will cover the material in chapters one through three and between two and three chapters per
day, thereafter. Reading assignments may be augmented in class. Should it become apparent that a
student has not or is not reading for class, I may deduct participation points of points from a student’s
final grade for failing to properly prepare.
I reserve the right to impose reading quizzes throughout the semester to ensure students are
reading and to test student comprehension and understanding of course material. These quiz will be
graded and will count as a portion of a students’ exam points; participation grade, or otherwise, as seems
most judicious.
Attendance is required. Mere presence, alone, is insufficient to qualify as attendance. I expect
each of you to participate and be mentally engaged in each of our classes. This requires preparation. Our
classes will consist of extensive lectures and class discussion. You will be expected to have read the
assigned readings prior to class and be able to participate in the class discussions based on the
information gleaned from the readings. Failure to attend class and/or failure to be prepared for class may
adversely impact your attendance grade. Conversely, students who are heavily engaged and who
frequently participate in a meaningful way will be rewarded, both as to their attendance grade and in
terms of extra credit. Meaningful participation is key to this course.
Certain things will not be tolerated. This includes: obvious cell phone use, computer use for any
reason other than notetaking, wearing headphones while in class or anything that takes away from the
appearance of meaningful participation and attendance.
Unless a true emergency, students should not leave class during the lectures, exams, etc.
Your grade will be
determined by the following
(if applicable)
Percent of
Two Individual Tests One test per half of semester 150 Points each 60%
One Term Paper Research paper over approved topic 150 points 30%
Attendance and Participation Based on holistic participation in class 50 points 10%
Extra Credit Totally Discretionary – –
Total: 500 points 100%
Any student who misses an assigned exam will receive a zero as his or her grade for that exam—
this is the general rule. There is no general right to make up a missed exam. This draws on the
professionalism requirement. Though there is no right to make up a missed exam, special exceptions
may be made, where necessary, if a student has a “legitimate” reason for missing an exam and provides
prior notice of his or her inability to attend the exam. What constitutes a legitimate reason for missing an
exam is determined by me alone. I will base my determination on what constitutes a “legitimate reason”
on such variables as: the stated reason, the believability of the student and the stated reason, the totality
of circumstances, and the like. Simply saying one has, “family issues” will not suffice.
Should an exception to the general rule be allowed, which will be decided on a case-by-case
basis, the make-up assignment will likely be one tailored to the student and circumstance and, depending
on the student and the circumstance, the highest possible grade available to a student taking a make-up
exam might be reduced. This would mean that, if a student is allowed to take a make-up assignment, the
highest possible grade a student could earn could be a ninety, an eighty, or whathaveyou. Any exception
to the general rule is totally discretionary.
Exams will likely be graded within one week from the time they are given. Students will have an
opportunity to review their exams, either in class or by appointment; however, students will not be
allowed to take or keep their exams. If a student is allowed to review his or her exam and takes a picture
of the exam; photo copies the exam; or, in anyway, reproduces the content of the exam, that student will
receive a zero for the exam and will be referred to College for cheating. Similarly, if a student fails to
return his or her exam, after reviewing it, that student will receive a zero for the exam and will be
referred to College for cheating.
Each student is required to draft a term paper. Student will be required to develop a topic, which
must be approved by me, and to write a research paper about that topic, which must be no shorter than
six pages. The paper’s format must be: double-spaced and written in Times New Roman 12 font.
The paper must include, at least, five sources. Student must cite to their sources and no
plagiarism will be tolerated. Any plagiarism will result in a grade of zero for the research paper and any,
other disciplinary potentialities warranted by the Student Handbook. Of the five sources required, at
least two sources must be scholarly. A scholarly source, generally, is one that is written by an expert or
knowledgeable person in a field, peer-reviewed, and published. The library is full of such sources and
they are also accessible via online databases such as: HeinOnline and JSTOR. The paper must include a
Works Cited page listing a student’s sources.
The paper will be due by the end of class on April 2
, 2017Students may submit their papers
early. A student will receive five points of extra credit for each day the paper is submitted early, with the
maximum amount of extra credit possible for early submissions being twenty-five points. Conversely,
students will lose five points for each day late the paper is submitted and no papers will be accepted
more than seven days late. Paper may be submitted in-person or via email.
The paper will be graded based on its topic, content, format, grammar, the quality of its sources,
and the holistic effort the submitting student seems to have invested in putting
the paper together. I like research papers and look forward to reading your papers. If you meet the
minimum requirements and write an interesting paper, you will likely do well.
Students should expect it to take no less than two weeks for the research paper to be graded.
This is a college class and professionalism will be expected of all students. Students will be
expected to attend class; be on time to class; sit through the entire class, leaving only in the event of true
necessity; and meaningfully participate. This is a matter of respect and decency. You should respect
yourselves, your peers, your instructor, the College, and the degree(s) you hope to attain enough to do
these things.
Similarly, students will be expected to be polite throughout the course of our class discussions,
which will be a large part of our course. Varied opinions are an essential part of our society and
academic and political discourse; however, rudeness and impoliteness should never be accepted and it
will not be tolerated in our class. Should one have strong feelings about a matter or disagree with
another, I would hope such a student would speak up and share those thoughts and views; however,
those feelings and views should be conveyed politely and in a way that is not injurious to others.
I am here for you all and you are free to contact, whether via email or my cell phone, as
necessary; however, professionalism would work against telephone calls at one in the morning and texts
that are grammatically correct.
Withdrawal from the course after the official day of record and prior to “W” Day, (April 5
2017) will result in a final grade of “W” on your transcript. Instructor approval is necessary if you want
to withdraw after official day. No credit will be awarded for a course earning a “W.” If you stop
attending class, you must withdraw at the registration office prior to “W” day. If you stop attending class
and do not officially withdraw, you will receive an “F” for the course.
Students who enrolled in Texas public institutions of higher education as first-time college
students during the Fall 2007 term or later are subject to section 51.907 of the Texas Education Code,
which states that an institution of higher education may not permit a student to drop (withdraw with a
grade of “W”) from more than six courses, including courses that a transfer student has previously
dropped at other Texas public institutions of higher education that have already been counted against
their six drop limit. Each student should fully understand this drop limit before you drop any course.
Please see a Counselor or Advisor in our Student Services area for additional information.
XIV. Lone Star College-University Park Campus and System Policies
Academic Integrity
The Lone Star College System upholds the core values of learning: honesty,
respect, fairness, and accountability. The system promotes the importance of personal and academic
honesty. The system embraces the belief that all learners – students, faculty, staff and administrators –
will act with integrity and honesty and must produce their own work and give appropriate credit to the
work of others. Fabrication of sources, cheating, or unauthorized collaboration is not permitted on any
work submitted within the system.
The consequences for academic dishonesty are determined by the professor, or the professor and
academic dean, or the professor and chief student services officer and can include but are not limited to:
1. Having additional class requirements imposed,
2. Receiving a grade of zero or “F” for an exam or assignment,
3. Receiving a grade of “F” for the course,
4. Being withdrawn from the course or program,
5. Being expelled from the college system.
Student Behavior Expectations
Students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately while on College property or in an online
environment. Students may receive disciplinary action up to and including suspension, if they violate
System or College rules, disrupt classes, or interfere with the opportunity of others to obtain an
education. Students who pose a threat to the safety of others will be subject to immediate withdrawal
from the classroom, campus environment, and/or online environment, as well as face subsequent
criminal charges, as appropriate. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct located online at
http://www.lonestar.edu/student-responsibilities.htm for additional information.
Americans with Disabilities Act Statement
Lone Star College-University Park is dedicated to providing the least restrictive environment for all
students. We promote equity in academic access through the implementation of reasonable
accommodations as required by the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title V, Section 504 and the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) which will enable students with disabilities to
participate in and benefit from all post-secondary educational activities.
Disability Services is located on the LSC University Park campus in building 13, Suite 200. You may
contact Disability Services at the following number: 281.401.5370. Additional information may be
accessed online at the following URL: http://www.lonestar.edu/disability-services.htm
Campus Safety and Security
Lone Star College System is committed to maintaining the safety of the students, faculty, staff, and
guests while visiting one of our campuses. See http://www.lonestar.edu/safety-nh.htmfor details.
Register at http://www.lonestar.edu/12803.htmto receive emergency notifications. In the event of an
emergency, contact the police at 5911.
Computer Virus Protection
Computer viruses are, unfortunately, a fact of life. Using flash drives on more than one computer
creates the possibility of infecting additional computers and flash drives with computer viruses. This
exposes college computers, personal computers, and any other computers to
potentially damaging viruses. The college has aggressive anti-virus procedures in place to protect its
computers, but cannot guarantee that a virus might not temporarily infect one of its machines. It is your
responsibility to protect all computers under your control and use and ensure that each flash drive you
use, wherever you use it, has been scanned with anti-virus software.
Equal Opportunity Statement
It is the policy of the Lone Star College System to provide equal employment, admission and
educational opportunities without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, gender, age, veteran’s
status, sexual orientation, or disability.
Lone Star Colleges strive to provide an excellent learning environment free from harassment or
intimidation directed at any person’s race, color, creed, national origin, gender, age, veteran’s status,
sexual orientation, or disability. Any form of harassment will not be tolerated.
The academic, financial, and non-directory information on your student account is confidential and
protected by the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA). LSCS cannot release certain
information to another person without your written authorization. The Authorization to Release Student
Information Form can be found at http://www.lonestar.edu/departments/admissions/ARC-011_FERPA_Privacy_Request.pdf.
Internet and E-mail
LSCS provides computing and network resources. You are encouraged to use the computers, software
packages, and electronic mail (e-mail) for educational or System-related activities and to facilitate the
efficient exchange of useful information. The equipment, software, and network capacities provided
through the district computer services are the property of the System. Use of the equipment and
networks is to comport with the policies and procedures of the System and access may be denied to any
student who fails to comply with the System’s policies and procedures regarding its use.
Access to the System’s e-mail and similar electronic communications systems are a privilege and certain
responsibilities accompany that privilege. All users are expected to demonstrate the same level of
ethical and professional manner, as is required in face-to-face or written communications. Threatening,
anonymous, or forged messages will be treated as a violation of this policy.
Software Piracy
Law strictly prohibits unauthorized copying of software purchased by Lone Star College-University Park
for use in laboratories. Lone Star College-University Park administration will take appropriate
disciplinary action against anyone violating copyright laws.
Evaluation of Instruction
Lone Star College-University Park is committed to student success. As part of
its’ institutional effectiveness efforts, our instructors are assessed in several ways. For the continuous
improvement of our instruction, all students are required to provide input for each course they take each
semester using the Course Evaluations Questionnaire, which can be accessed online for each course.
This occurs approximately half way through your course and your instructor will provide you more
information on this process. Once you evaluate your course, print and turn in the receipt of completion
to your instructor. The college deans review these evaluations each semester. The deans and/or
department chairs may visit each instructor’s class at some time during the semester to observe the
instructional environment being provided and complete an assessment of the instructor.
Our Service Charter
Excellent Quality / 100% Plagiarism-Free
We employ a number of measures to ensure top quality essays. The papers go through a system of quality control prior to delivery. We run plagiarism checks on each paper to ensure that they will be 100% plagiarism-free. So, only clean copies hit customers’ emails. We also never resell the papers completed by our writers. So, once it is checked using a plagiarism checker, the paper will be unique. Speaking of the academic writing standards, we will stick to the assignment brief given by the customer and assign the perfect writer. By saying “the perfect writer” we mean the one having an academic degree in the customer’s study field and positive feedback from other customers. -
Free Revisions
We keep the quality bar of all papers high. But in case you need some extra brilliance to the paper, here’s what to do. First of all, you can choose a top writer. It means that we will assign an expert with a degree in your subject. And secondly, you can rely on our editing services. Our editors will revise your papers, checking whether or not they comply with high standards of academic writing. In addition, editing entails adjusting content if it’s off the topic, adding more sources, refining the language style, and making sure the referencing style is followed. -
Confidentiality / 100% No Disclosure
We make sure that clients’ personal data remains confidential and is not exploited for any purposes beyond those related to our services. We only ask you to provide us with the information that is required to produce the paper according to your writing needs. Please note that the payment info is protected as well. Feel free to refer to the support team for more information about our payment methods. The fact that you used our service is kept secret due to the advanced security standards. So, you can be sure that no one will find out that you got a paper from our writing service. -
Money Back Guarantee
If the writer doesn’t address all the questions on your assignment brief or the delivered paper appears to be off the topic, you can ask for a refund. Or, if it is applicable, you can opt in for free revision within 14-30 days, depending on your paper’s length. The revision or refund request should be sent within 14 days after delivery. The customer gets 100% money-back in case they haven't downloaded the paper. All approved refunds will be returned to the customer’s credit card or Bonus Balance in a form of store credit. Take a note that we will send an extra compensation if the customers goes with a store credit. -
24/7 Customer Support
We have a support team working 24/7 ready to give your issue concerning the order their immediate attention. If you have any questions about the ordering process, communication with the writer, payment options, feel free to join live chat. Be sure to get a fast response. They can also give you the exact price quote, taking into account the timing, desired academic level of the paper, and the number of pages.