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Prevention and Control of Diseases – College of Public Health, Kent State University, Ohio Dr. Genevieve O. Aguolu

Prevention    and    Control    of    Diseases    –    College    of    Public    Health,    Kent    State    University,    Ohio
Dr.    Genevieve    O.    Aguolu
Prevention and Control of Diseases Quad Chart Assignment
According to the most recent numbers available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2012, 224,147 women
and 2,125 men in the United States were diagnosed with breast cancer, and 41,150 women and 405 men in the United States died from
breast cancer. It is the most common cancer in women, no matter the race and ethnicity. It is the most common cause of death from
cancer among Hispanics, and the second most common cause among White, Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American
Indian/Alaska Native women.
Considering the current breast cancer incidence, death, recurrence, metastatic disease, risk factors, and treatment options, the Avon
Breast Cancer Crusade continues to search for new preventive strategies to address the growing number of cases around the globe.
The aim of this program is to support innovative, high impact research focused on ending breast cancer. This year, the Avon
Breast Cancer Crusade Research Program seeks proposals to advance understanding of prevention of breast cancer.
You are required by your employee – Streetsboro Department of Health – to prepare a quad chart of the synopsis of the
proposed research for this grant proposal.
**You are highly encouraged to conduct a literature review on breast cancer before preparing your applications. **
Summary of Learning Objectives:
1.  Use library discovery tools to identify credible or professional journal articles.
2.  Determine appropriate use of data, statistical methods, and laboratory procedures for problem identification and resolution, and
program planning, implementation and evaluation.
3.  Summarize information from popular and professional articles.
4.  Apply evidence-based biological principles to development and implementation of breast cancer prevention, control, or
management of programs.
A. General Instructions
•  Please make a quad chart on one PowerPoint slide that describes your proposed project.
•  You are expected to briefly inform the general public about the design and the merit of your work, that is, the information should
be written for members of the general public, rather than for researchers or professionals.
•  You are limited to one slide ONLY.
•  Use 11 point Arial font (template default). If you do not have enough space, reduce the amount of text, not the size of the font.
•  Please see the quad chart cheat sheet above and the template below for help.
B.  Content
•  Header: Project Information
•  Enter Project Title, Principal Investigator (you) Name in the format: First, Last, and Degree(s)
•  Enter research area addressed, program director/manager or company name
•  Complete all the sections of the Quad chart
Quadrant 1: Project Description (Upper Left)
•  Enter total $ award amount requested.
•  Enter anticipated start date of the project.
•  Enter the Key Research Aims.
•  Provide a summary description of the design, noting the population, intervention and comparators, and primary outcome measure,
as applicable.
Quadrant 2: Project Benefits and Innovations (Lower Left)
•  List the major (potential) scientific innovations of the project in the upper section.
•  List the anticipated benefits and challenges to women in the lower section.
Quadrant 3: Figure (Upper Right)
• Illustrate the problem, conceptual model, study approach (graph or table of relevant data may be used).
Quadrant 4: Timeline (Lower right)
•  Insert a simplified study timeline listing the tasks, funding, and the fiscal years the study will be active OR your measures of
C. Submission
1.  Save the file with your lastname_firstname_ProjectTitle (where “lastname” and “firstname” refer to your last and first names).
•  Submit by due date on course blackboard page.
•  Submit the reference list in APA format on a different page
Prevention    and    Control    of    Diseases    –    College    of    Public    Health,    Kent    State    University,    Ohio
Dr.    Genevieve    O.    Aguolu
RUBRIC – 25 Point Value
Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Unsatisfactory (0-3)  Competent (4)  Proficient (5)  Exceeded (6)  Grade/ comment
Content/Quality of
innovative idea
•  All required features
included in the correct
•  Is project evidencebased?
•  Critical thinking
Omitted or work lacks
understanding of
concepts, materials,
and skills. Not all of the
requirements were
Showed some basic
analysis and organization
and/or ineffective flow of
ideas. Some aspects are
done very well and others
are missing.
Good but not excellent
analysis and thoughts.
The image is
understandable and key
features and functions are
labeled. It is clear how the
user would use the
Work shows a mastery of
skills and reflects a deep
understanding of concepts
and materials. The visual
captures the function of the
product; It is very easy to see
how the strategy would be
Quality of Writing
•  All required features
included in the correct
•  Grammar and spelling
Work appears rushed,
lacks organization and
has several grammar
and spelling errors that
distract readers.
Works needs improvement
on organization. Work has
few grammar and spelling
Organized but with some
minor grammar or spelling
Very well organized, excellent
grammar, and spelling.
Use of sources and
•  APA format
•  References submitted on
a different page
Did not list or include
any reference page.
Good choice of sources
(credible). Less than 3
references included Or not
in APA format.
Good choice of sources
(credible). Some are in
APA format
Excellent choice of sources
(all credible and academic –
peer reviewed journals).
Good APA format
Creativity or Craftsmanship
•  Use of diagrams, charts,
Work is messy and
craftsmanship detracts
from overall
presentation. Did not
use any pictures,
diagrams, or charts.
Work is somewhat messy
and craftsmanship detracts
from overall presentation.
Pictures, diagrams, or charts
used but not relevant or are
poorly organized.
Work is neat and
craftsmanship is solid.
Pictures, diagrams, or
charts used and are
relevant or well organized.
Work is impeccable and
shows extreme care and
thoughtfulness in its
Ethics and Professionalism
•  Followed instructions
•  Submitted on due date
0  1      /1
Did not follow directions
regarding file saving
and /or submission due
Followed directions
regarding file saving and /or
submission due date.
Expected Quad Chart Template
Objective: Clear, concise (2-3 sentences) description of the
objectives and methodologies of the effort.
Description of effort: A bullet list of the primary specific
challenges being addressed.
Picture or Graphic that illustrates the research or concept
(e.g. data figures, illustrations or processes)
Benefits of proposed technology:
Research and Development Justification:
Bullet list of the major goals/milestones by project
year/project timeline
Proposed Funding
Base period cost plus each option period (no more than 4 years
What is a Quad Chart?
A quad chart is a one-page summary of a project that is visual, as well as descriptive. It is a very simple tool but extremely effective
tool used for a variety of planning and communication purposes that explains what a project is all about. It helps to structure a concept
or ideas into manageable pieces so you can define what you do before you start. It is usually used to introduce a new product or offer a
solution to a problem. It helps to streamline proposals or ideas. It is often used in organizational administration, vehicle design, and
government grant applications.
The quad chart presents a brief snapshot of a study across four quadrants of a single PowerPoint slide – thus the name quad. It includes
Project Scoping, Stakeholders and Stakeholder Analysis, Desired Outcomes (Critical Success Factors), and measures of Success
(Secondary Benefits). The upper left quadrant summarizes science issues, approaches and data used. The upper right quadrant is about
the project plans, milestones and progresses. The lower left gives some examples of significant results and findings. The last quadrant
shows the relation of your project with other projects and general science community.
Prevention    and    Control    of    Diseases    –    College    of    Public    Health,    Kent    State    University,    Ohio
Dr.    Genevieve    O.    Aguolu
A good quad chart is like an indispensable business card, your 2-minute elevator pitch. It must be readily understandable by a
potential customer or investor/funder.
Quad Chart Cheat Sheet
RESEARCH AIMS: This section should contain an image of the
proposed concept. What do you plan to do? Why do you plan to
do it? What is the result? i.e. a summary of the issue(s),
approaches and data used.
NEW IDEAS/FUTURE ACTIONS: How do you plan to
improve the situation? This is about the project plans,
milestones and progresses. If you are proposing a new idea, this
quadrant is the marketing part. It details the capabilities of the
proposal. What’s new and better about it? Identify and describe
the importance of the new technology or idea and its benefit to
the target agency.
quadrant gives a short statement explaining the technology and its
principal features. Use of bullet points is encouraged.
shows a briefly and clearly expressed strategy/plan on how the
new idea or technology will apply into a system or platform. If
you are proposing a research, this might be a timeline of your
proposed activities with funding.
Please see the following websites:
1.  How To Make An Impressive Quad Chart In PowerPoint 2010
How to Make an Impressive Quad Chart in PowerPoint 2010

2.  How to create a Gantt chart in Excel: https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/gantt-chart-excel
3.  Sample Quad Charts: https://sites.google.com/site/visualspatialproject/processfolios/quad-chart-assignments
APA Style
Please use the links below for guidance regarding APA style and choosing a scholarly article:
1.  The Basics of APA Style: http://www.apastyle.org/learn/tutorials/basics-tutorial.aspx
2.  APA Style Resources: http://libguides.library.kent.edu/content.php?pid=357387&sid=2932715
3.  General APA Guidelines: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
4.  Evaluating Print Sources: http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/evaluating-print-sources/
Sample Quad Chart
Title: To increase awareness and amount of physical activity among women in Portage County
Gene Agu M.B.B.S., M.P.H.; Wellness; Streetsboro Health Department
1.  To increase awareness of physical activity among women in
Portage county
2.  To increase amount of physical activity among women in
Portage county
3.  To reduce obesity rate among women in Portage county Women are provided with pedometers and encouraged to walk 10,000 steps daily. Pre
and Post (eight weeks later) survey completed.
Benefits of proposed technology:
•  A pedometer is a non-invasive, affordable tool that allows for
instant feedback regarding a person’s activity level serving as a
behavior modification tool.
•  The accuracy of a step counter or pedometer to measure energy
expenditure has been criticized.
Research and Development Justification:
•  2011 Obesity prevalence in Portage County, Female: 36.2%
(National Rank: 922 of 3143 USA counties)
Bullet list of the major goals/milestones by project year
Proposed Funding
1.  Pedometers for 400 women at $5 each – $2000
2.  Logistics – $500
27-Feb    18-Apr    7-Jun     27-Jul    15-Sep    4-Nov
Pedometer    project
Data    entering
Data    Evaluation
Submit    paper

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